Scott Bushey
Puritanboard Commissioner
Luthers rejection of Rome's work oriented system brought about reform in Christs church in regards to understanding justification by faith alone and how men are rightly saved by faith in Christ solely.
Was the OT sacrificial system at odds with justification by faith alone? In other words, could an elect man hold to justification by faith alone and still offer sacrifices for the atonement of sins rightly, seeing Christ as the ultimate atonement and the system as another? Is this not a contradiction?
As well, in speaking of Luther, his rejecting the mass and things like indulgences for forgiveness of sins, did this not assault that which the OT saint held to in regards to the sacrificial system?
[Edited on 4-2-2006 by Scott Bushey]
Was the OT sacrificial system at odds with justification by faith alone? In other words, could an elect man hold to justification by faith alone and still offer sacrifices for the atonement of sins rightly, seeing Christ as the ultimate atonement and the system as another? Is this not a contradiction?
As well, in speaking of Luther, his rejecting the mass and things like indulgences for forgiveness of sins, did this not assault that which the OT saint held to in regards to the sacrificial system?
[Edited on 4-2-2006 by Scott Bushey]