Alex Foo
Puritan Board Freshman
Dear Puritans
Been a while since I last posted.
Recently I had a sister (who is based in controversial country starts with c) who is confused with the soteriology. I'm referring to the importance of salvation by grace through faith, apart from work.
Apparently, argument comes when there are verses that appear to refute the doctrine. So she has cited Matt 7:21-23, Rev 19:7-8 (basically just pick up those proof texts asserting the need of sinners to add on works for salvation).
Especially when it comes to Rev 19:8, I don't think I can move further. What does it mean by 'righteous acts of the saints'? Whenever I come up with defense (because I learned systematic theology, and I know the importance of having that big picture in doctrines), she will resort to finding another verses to raise doubt.
She is a believer, just that I couldn't discern her theological background yet. I'm just hope that she received the correct teaching of scripture.
Any comment is appreciated. Especially on experience dealing with issue like this. Thank you.
Been a while since I last posted.
Recently I had a sister (who is based in controversial country starts with c) who is confused with the soteriology. I'm referring to the importance of salvation by grace through faith, apart from work.
Apparently, argument comes when there are verses that appear to refute the doctrine. So she has cited Matt 7:21-23, Rev 19:7-8 (basically just pick up those proof texts asserting the need of sinners to add on works for salvation).
Especially when it comes to Rev 19:8, I don't think I can move further. What does it mean by 'righteous acts of the saints'? Whenever I come up with defense (because I learned systematic theology, and I know the importance of having that big picture in doctrines), she will resort to finding another verses to raise doubt.
She is a believer, just that I couldn't discern her theological background yet. I'm just hope that she received the correct teaching of scripture.
Any comment is appreciated. Especially on experience dealing with issue like this. Thank you.