Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
That Law was to shew them their absolute need of an Expiatory Sacrifice to take away the guilt of sin from them. It was to convince them of sin; hence we read, Heb. 10.3. In these Sacrifices there is a remembrance of sins. There were hereupon in that Law many Ceremonial uncleanness by a positive Command, added unto such as were in themselves Moral, which was to give them a deeper Conviction of sin: and this Law requiring an Offering upon the breach of any Precept Moral or Ceremonial, under a severe threatening of being cut off from their People, in case of the Omission, told them, that the wrath of God certainly abode on them, except they obtained an Interest in, and applied themselves accordingly unto another who might make an Atonement unto God for them. ...
For more, see Samuel Willard on the ceremonies and the need of an expiatory sacrifice.
For more, see Samuel Willard on the ceremonies and the need of an expiatory sacrifice.