Satan afraid of Jehovah

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Puritan Board Freshman
I was walking through the bush with my dog tonight, and my imagination started playing tricks on me. Distrusting what was behind me and what might jump out of the bush, both irrational thoughts. As Christians we have sinful fears, fear of man, fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of pain (which never comes), yet we have a greater fear than all, fear of the Fathers wrath which has been turned away in Christ. We know Satan in his spirit is terrified by the Father and his spirit, the Spirit of Christ, yet at the cross all our fears are displaced by Christ and given back to Satan; the cross has made sure his eternal misery and torment, both physically and spiritually, more so than any human being, and as such it would not be wrong to delight in such a truth, since Satan lives to put irrational fears in the hearts of men, hiding the true fear, the Fathers wrath. Our once slavish fear of the Father is now a filial fear which moves us away from evil toward good; our slavish fears are removed by Christ and placed upon Satan, the Father of lies and hence all fear. Christ the King has put Satan unto doom, making him an utter failure, terrorizing him with the nearness of his presence for all eternity. Satan like a snake crawls into crevices, but he will be brought into the light, where once before he tried to pull us into the dark. Satan has no reign in our hearts, or the divine courtroom, for he has been cast down, and his accusations are only given power by us not putting to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit of the King. Satan is beneath us like a snake, he has been defanged and his poison removed, he is like a pathetic mosquito unto us who are in Christ. When you accuse yourself of cowardice or your conscience accuses you with fear, accuse Satan. Since we are nailed to the cross of Christ, we cannot tremble, for hands and feet that are nailed in place, are firm and secure, they cannot shake nor tremble. Our body does not tremble neither does our spirit, for the true fear of the wrath of God has been satiated upon Christ Jesus our King. Christ quivered in the garden when the preview in his mind of the cup of the wrath of God was before Him; now Satan has had a preview of such wrath; he is terrified! For a cup upon cup will be emptied upon him forever, and justly so. He shall sink forever in the pit of despair and despondency, and the Light shall mortify him! Now i can wonder through the bush of a night time, knowing that if some foul creature was to hurt my body it could never hurt my soul. The lion of Judah is bold and courageous and has devoured the lesser lion, the prince of the power of the air, an air which we no longer breathe, for we are not in this age, in this zeitgeist, but in the heavens, breathing heavenly air; there is no breathlessness, no fits of terror, no butterflies, only anthem and song.
I was walking through the bush with my dog tonight, and my imagination started playing tricks on me. Distrusting what was behind me and what might jump out of the bush, both irrational thoughts. As Christians we have sinful fears, fear of man, fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of pain (which never comes), yet we have a greater fear than all, fear of the Fathers wrath which has been turned away in Christ. We know Satan in his spirit is terrified by the Father and his spirit, the Spirit of Christ, yet at the cross all our fears are displaced by Christ and given back to Satan; the cross has made sure his eternal misery and torment, both physically and spiritually, more so than any human being, and as such it would not be wrong to delight in such a truth, since Satan lives to put irrational fears in the hearts of men, hiding the true fear, the Fathers wrath. Our once slavish fear of the Father is now a filial fear which moves us away from evil toward good; our slavish fears are removed by Christ and placed upon Satan, the Father of lies and hence all fear. Christ the King has put Satan unto doom, making him an utter failure, terrorizing him with the nearness of his presence for all eternity. Satan like a snake crawls into crevices, but he will be brought into the light, where once before he tried to pull us into the dark. Satan has no reign in our hearts, or the divine courtroom, for he has been cast down, and his accusations are only given power by us not putting to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit of the King. Satan is beneath us like a snake, he has been defanged and his poison removed, he is like a pathetic mosquito unto us who are in Christ. When you accuse yourself of cowardice or your conscience accuses you with fear, accuse Satan. Since we are nailed to the cross of Christ, we cannot tremble, for hands and feet that are nailed in place, are firm and secure, they cannot shake nor tremble. Our body does not tremble neither does our spirit, for the true fear of the wrath of God has been satiated upon Christ Jesus our King. Christ quivered in the garden when the preview in his mind of the cup of the wrath of God was before Him; now Satan has had a preview of such wrath; he is terrified! For a cup upon cup will be emptied upon him forever, and justly so. He shall sink forever in the pit of despair and despondency, and the Light shall mortify him! Now i can wonder through the bush of a night time, knowing that if some foul creature was to hurt my body it could never hurt my soul. The lion of Judah is bold and courageous and has devoured the lesser lion, the prince of the power of the air, an air which we no longer breathe, for we are not in this age, in this zeitgeist, but in the heavens, breathing heavenly air; there is no breathlessness, no fits of terror, no butterflies, only anthem and song.
Keep in mind Satan is described as prowling around like a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. He was described as the anointed cherub. From what we can infer, he was and perhaps still is the highest, most powerful creature in existence. While as an ammilennialist I view him as currently restrained, I wouldn’t regard him as defanged or as a pathetic mosquito...

I fear God more than Satan, but I have to say I still fear him and am hesitant to really comment about him. I rejoice in that Christ has conquered him, but I would rather cling to Christ than poke at the damned.
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