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Puritan Board Freshman
** For the title I meant to type in Church and my phone autocorrected it to school? Don't know how to change it**

In just a few short weeks I will be working alongside my Church in presenting a Presentation to a homeless community at the Food Shelter.

I am in charge of getting testimonies and using them as a means of how Christ can change lives. Yesterday I went out in the community and spent time conversing with others and got around 4 people who were willing to answer the questions.

I thought I'd share on here too (if you wouldn't mind me using them your name would be excluded) if anyone would like to help me out. thank you in advance!

1. What was my life like that will relate most to the non-Christian?

2. What did my life revolve around the most? What did I get my security or happiness from?

3. When was the first time I heard the gospel? And what was my initial reaction?

4. What were (if any)the final struggles that went through my mind just before I accepted Christ?

4. Specific changes and illustrations about the changes Christ has made in your life:
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