Scientists find water on Mars!

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That water used to be icecaps. Man has introduced Global Warming to Mars. Send Al Gore and Michael Moore.
I believe the bottom line regarding Life on MArs or anywhere is this:

1. If life exists it will never be in God's image. We are made in his image
2. If there is death on Mars it's because Adam sinned
3. If there is life anywhere it is corrupted, intelligent or otherwise
4. It must be less intelligent and less capable than we are since we are the ultimate creation in Creation
5. Also, if there is flora and fauna anywhere in the cosmos it must be inferior to the earth and it's inhabitants.

God took several days to make the earth and one day to make the rest out there.

So, let them look, let them find, it's corrupted or dead already. Christ came as a Man, bought the rights to remake the heavens and the earth, and will do it whether or not any type of inferior life exists or existed elsewhere.

I am not he least concerned about life elsewhere disproving a 6 day creation.
I don't know, I mean, according to that picture, it looks like there would have to be intellegent life on Mars. Where did it come from? Did space aliens put it there? Did it escape from Earth in a freak meterorite and end up on Mars? Did a big hand place it there? We must immediately withdraw the 15 gazzilion dollar bail-out and fund the space program to send a space ship there right away to find the answer.

P.s. I think that if there is global warming, Mars, according to that picture, will be in trouble!

Actually I prefer milk with my Mars. Of course that is true of a Milky Way too. Water will do in a pinch.
I want the grumpy deacon halloween costume - does it come with a stick suitable for caning wayward youths in the back row?
Big deal. There's hydrogen and tons of other gases and mixtures thereof existing all over the place. To me, that's like saying "Hey, I found this golf ball on this golf course! Amazing!"
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