Scriptures are Sufficient

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Puritan Board Doctor
Robert Rollock is preaching on Luke 24, wherein Jesus tells the two disciples that they should have believed everything the Old Testament said, and that they were slow of heart.

There is nothing concerning Christ but it is fully set down in the Old and New Testaments. So that if an angel would come down from heaven, he can tell no more in substance. Yet if thou wilt not look to them, but close thine eyes that thou see not, and stop thine ears that thou hear not, and so forget them again before thou be well out of the kirk,-it is a wonder that thou shouldst get any matter of hope. No, thou shalt find nothing but matter of desparation. Whosoever, therefore, would have matter of joy in the heart, and have joy in their distress, let them always have the Scriptures before their eyes. What needed these men to have been troubled, if they had kept the Scriptures before their eyes? So, in a word, as thou wouldst have joy in trouble, keep the Scriptures in thy memory, for there is no joy but in these Scriptures (from "The Thirty-Eighth Lecture on the Resurrection of Christ," in The Works of Robert Rollock, volume 2, p. 455).​
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