Searching and Thanking

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Unshaven and anonymous
Staff member
Would there be any way to limit your search to thanked posts without using thanking as the only search criterion? I didn't see that as an option in the advanced search box, and it seems like it would be convenient to be able to search by username, etc., in the more limited subset of thanked posts.
Josh, that does actually address the example situation I outlined in my suggestion. I should probably have made clear that that was only one search delimiter among many. Date, forum, keyword, etc., would be other delimiters that PB members might be interested in using. In other words, we have all these different fields in the advanced search function that we can use to narrow it down: it would be nice to be able to check a box and narrow it down still further to only posts that someone has thanked.

Thanks for the note, though, I was unaware of the search from the profile.
I wish it was something integrated into the Advanced Search. The Thanked post thing is a hack to the functions of vBulletin (one of about 25 or so I have installed). It's extremely popular among board owners and it might eventually be integrated as a standard capability and, hence, integrated into the Search.
I was wondering if we could get a feature where we thank people for thanking us. "A mere housewife thanks Py3ak for this useful thank you". Or perhaps "a mere housewife thanks py3ak for thanking her for this useful post". That would be even better (Py3ak did actually thank me once for a useful post. I was honored.)
I was driving up my post count, Rich. I think that's still a more useful measure of PB status than thankings.
Can we get an "I'm really humble" button? :D Only joshing.

I think it would be more to the point if we could thank ourselves. "The following user(s) thank a mere housewife for this useful post: a mere housewife."

"The following users thank a mere housewife for thanking a mere housewife for this useful post: a mere housewife" and so on.
I was wondering if we could get a feature where we thank people for thanking us. "A mere housewife thanks Py3ak for this useful thank you". Or perhaps "a mere housewife thanks py3ak for thanking her for this useful post". That would be even better (Py3ak did actually thank me once for a useful post. I was honored.)

Even better, perhaps I could find a feature that correlated husbands and wives who are members here and allowed them to thank them for something they did around the house.

Perhaps Sonya's reading a thread of mine and she notices that I'm changing a diaper without being asked. She could go into one of my posts and click a custom: "SemperWife thanks SemperFideles for not pretending that he did not smell Sophia's diaper."
I was driving up my post count, Rich. I think that's still a more useful measure of PB status than thankings.

Don't forget that you actually get a post count benefit by merely thanking a person.

BTW, JOSHUA, I had to control this nutty Spanish-speaking Reformed guy before from misusing the Thank You feature.

Ductus exemplo Super Moderator! You're corrupting the youth.
Yes, but it's easy to discount the number of thanks from the number of posts: whereas someone would have to go through each and every post to determine how many of them were simple wastes of server storage capacity.
Yes, but it's easy to discount the number of thanks from the number of posts: whereas someone would have to go through each and every post to determine how many of them were simple wastes of server storage capacity.

Very true. By the way, I'd try to come up with a Spanish variant of the above but I fear that I'd translate it into something scary like the time I tried to express brotherly Christian love that one time!
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