Seminary Question: Online at SBTS or in person at SEBTS?


Puritan Board Freshman
Hello! I am currently at student at Judson college at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. My wife and I moved here not to long ago to start school. We are originally from NC and a lot of people we know attended SEBTS. From my time here I do think that it is a good school but I am heavily considering somewhere else for graduate studies. I am finished up at BA in Pastoral Ministry here.
While I am not personally opposed to moving, after prayer and consideration I dont think at least right now it would be be wise. I have begun a job in Durham working in addiction ministry with counseling and we are beginning to have a good community here through school and church.

So my dilemma is this. Should I just continue at SEBTS for graduate studies because I am so close and could attend in person or should I attend Southern mostly online with some hybrid classes sprinkled in there. I have a stronger desire to attend Southern but I am wondering if studying in person is more important. ( I have also considered RTS Charlotte, but im unsure if I could manage the higher cost. )

Overall the Lord will lead me but I am open to any wisdom you can share. Thank you!
Grace and Peace
I am of the convinced opinion that in-person education is vastly superior to online education. (My undergraduate and MDiv were traditional in-person, but my MBA work was online, so I have a basis for my conviction here.) I'm also of the (less determined) opinion that earning degrees from differing institutions (even within the same tradition) is a good thing for broadening perspective. I believe that SBTS is a better school than SEBTS, but you're at the latter and not the former. If you were up for moving, without hesitation I'd suggest moving to Louisville for seminary. It's a great school and an incomparable campus. But staying at SEBTS isn't the end of the world or anything but it is definitely a downgrade. RTS Charlotte, if you can swing it, would be preferable to SEBTS because of the effect of a different perspective.

If you're a committed Southern Baptist, there is definite value to staying in the denomination's pipeline... but in that case sell whatever you have to sell, make whatever sacrifices must be made: go to SBTS. It's the best school the SBC has. But staying in place is ok, but (to change metaphor) you're getting choice grade (better than select!) when you could be getting prime (at SBTS).
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Note: I write as an alumnus of SBTS... and I had a friend who was a fellow student at SBTS and he had to transfer to SEBTS to be closer to ailing family, and he said the difference in rigor, tone, and perspective between the two schools was immediately perceptible.

Of course that was 20 years ago. So take it for what it's worth. :cheers:
Have you looked at the Reformed Baptist seminaries? They have online programs. (I went to SEBTS for MDiv & PhD).
If you have the choice between going in person, or going online; go in person, even if the Seminary can be considered a downgrade. SBTS is known as the best seminary in the SBC; and one of the top ones in the nation. All the other SBC seminaries will be taking a step down so to speak. Most online programs are basically reading, doing assignments, discussion posts, AND, if you are blessed enough, there will be an audio or video Lecture aspect. But being able to attend in person, engage with the class, have present mentors, be present for the lectures, and just being physically on campus invigorates the learning process; and you will be better for it. I have attended both online and campus college studies; and you will gain much more from in-person than you will online. This is not to say online is useless; its not; but in-person is to be overwhelmingly preferred if possible.
I did a brief visit to SBTS years ago, but was also strongly considering SEBTS. It's true that SBTS is the better school, but going in-person (at least for a majority of your seminary career) is a must. I ended up not attending either due to my. . . my accident. . . and became Presbyterian. ;)

Also, once you're in ministry, where you went doesn't play as big of a role as you might think. A guy who wants to continue building on a seminary education (even through self-study) will. Others, despite going to the greatest institutions, let it go after some time. Networking is one result, but you will still find friends no matter what. And as you are learning, I'm sure, the Ministry School of Hard Knocks is where you'll find your greatest education. Keep in mind, too, that you can always get a later degree from SBTS down the road.
Many people respond to education format differently. I will promote “online” seminary. For me, my education online was way more rigorous than my in person studies. There were less distractions, more focus on the work at hand, and great work life balance.

If you are someone who is a self starter, a hard worker (meaning you don’t just skim or do the bare minimum). Than I would say that online is better. Also consider that in most cases online is cheaper and you do not have to uproot your family (though ministry may inevitably do that).
Good question, that is partially my dilemma. I think SBTS would better prepare me, but would doing it online limit that and make in person at SEBTS the better option.
I do believe that if the only two options are SBTS online OR SEBTS in person... do SEBTS in person.
Just hopefully those aren't the only two options.

But how far along in your underdraguate studies are you? When do you anticipate graduating with your bachelor's degree? Depending how far out, it could be that it is best to not worry much about the next step at this point. Or maybe it's in a year or so and you should be planning. :lol:
I do believe that if the only two options are SBTS online OR SEBTS in person... do SEBTS in person.
Just hopefully those aren't the only two options.

But how far along in your underdraguate studies are you? When do you anticipate graduating with your bachelor's degree? Depending how far out, it could be that it is best to not worry much about the next step at this point. Or maybe it's in a year or so and you should be planning. :lol:
Yeah, it’s beginning to creep up on me. I only have about two semesters before I finish up the BA. Are there other options that I may be missing? RTS Charlotte is about 3 hours away and could be good for hybrid but otherwise it seems that it’s either SEBTS in person or somewhere else online haha. Thanks for your input and wisdom. Just need to pray and see if God would have us move.
If you want to get a feel for what the courses may be like in person, here is a link to where they publically store a lot of their videos for what looks like their online program; or what could have been an older program. I have downloaded and stored much of these on some HD's, and its almost an entire M. Div worth of lectures from them. If you want to get into the courses, start from 118 backward at the bottom of the page.
