Dear PuritanBoard Members,
The decision has been made by the Administration to take the several of the general forums, including the Politics Forum, the News Forum and the Pub Forum offline. It has been made accessible only by specific request and approval. We have decided to do this for several reasons:
1. The Politics Forum (and similar type posts in General Discussions and News) have started to take over the board. The PuritanBoard was not really ever envisioned to be focused upon politics and the like.
2. For the most part, the most heated discussions, with the least charity, have occurred in the Politics Forum. That is not to say that there have not been good posts, or that everyone is a big nasty, but it is stating a fact.
3. The Pub Forum has always been of interest to a section of the Board, so this will allow that section of the Board to have access without disrupting the general flow of the Board.
4. The Administrators are desirous of seeing the PuritanBoard get back to its roots - discussions of theology, the church and pastoral issues. After all, there are fully two dozen other forums in which to be involved.
5. As always, remember that there are a large number of "lurkers" on the board (probably over 300 - more than posting members), many of whom may be young. The Administration is sensitive to this, and desires that the Board continue to be a place of reasoned, civil discussion. In fact, the PuritanBoard has become more of a community than an e-list.
Now before you think of sending a message to the Administration bemoaning the abandonment of a "world and life view" or citing Abraham Kuyper, please note that the Administration is NOT suggesting that the members abandon politics or influence in society. What we are suggesting is that the PuritanBoard is not the best venue for such discussions.
Please do not attempt to circumvent this decision by posting political discussions in the News section or the General Discussions. Doing so will result in deleted posts. Continued action will result in moderation of a member's status. If you are not sure about an item you wish to post, go ahead and post it, flagging it with "For Admin Approval:" so it can be easily spotted and approved/rejected. There will be no action taken by Admins with respect to a member for threads started with the disclaimer.
In coming days, threads that are of a political and/or inflammatory nature will be moved off the PuritanBoard to an archived area. For both the Politics Forum and the archived forum, if you are desirous of accessing them, please send an email or U2U to an ADMINISTRATOR (not moderator) requesting access.
It will take some time to get all in line, so please be patient.
For the King,
Fred Greco (on behalf of the Admins)
Matthew McMahon
Scott Bushey
Phillip Way
[Edited on 12/22/2004 by fredtgreco]
The decision has been made by the Administration to take the several of the general forums, including the Politics Forum, the News Forum and the Pub Forum offline. It has been made accessible only by specific request and approval. We have decided to do this for several reasons:
1. The Politics Forum (and similar type posts in General Discussions and News) have started to take over the board. The PuritanBoard was not really ever envisioned to be focused upon politics and the like.
2. For the most part, the most heated discussions, with the least charity, have occurred in the Politics Forum. That is not to say that there have not been good posts, or that everyone is a big nasty, but it is stating a fact.
3. The Pub Forum has always been of interest to a section of the Board, so this will allow that section of the Board to have access without disrupting the general flow of the Board.
4. The Administrators are desirous of seeing the PuritanBoard get back to its roots - discussions of theology, the church and pastoral issues. After all, there are fully two dozen other forums in which to be involved.
5. As always, remember that there are a large number of "lurkers" on the board (probably over 300 - more than posting members), many of whom may be young. The Administration is sensitive to this, and desires that the Board continue to be a place of reasoned, civil discussion. In fact, the PuritanBoard has become more of a community than an e-list.
Now before you think of sending a message to the Administration bemoaning the abandonment of a "world and life view" or citing Abraham Kuyper, please note that the Administration is NOT suggesting that the members abandon politics or influence in society. What we are suggesting is that the PuritanBoard is not the best venue for such discussions.
Please do not attempt to circumvent this decision by posting political discussions in the News section or the General Discussions. Doing so will result in deleted posts. Continued action will result in moderation of a member's status. If you are not sure about an item you wish to post, go ahead and post it, flagging it with "For Admin Approval:" so it can be easily spotted and approved/rejected. There will be no action taken by Admins with respect to a member for threads started with the disclaimer.
In coming days, threads that are of a political and/or inflammatory nature will be moved off the PuritanBoard to an archived area. For both the Politics Forum and the archived forum, if you are desirous of accessing them, please send an email or U2U to an ADMINISTRATOR (not moderator) requesting access.
It will take some time to get all in line, so please be patient.
For the King,
Fred Greco (on behalf of the Admins)
Matthew McMahon
Scott Bushey
Phillip Way
[Edited on 12/22/2004 by fredtgreco]