Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
... When you have the ordinances, then the Second thing required to a Reformation, is to have them pure, and after God’s prescript, without human addition or alteration: take this for a rule, the more plain God’s ordinances are, the more powerful; the more there is of man, the less there is of God in them, Ezek. 44.7. God tells them they had polluted his Sanctuary, that is, made it common, the sacramental bread did them no more good than their own ordinary bread, and the company of the Saints no more then the company and society of men. You have this in the text too, for here is beauty joined with glory in vers. 2. and beauty is a native complexion; here is glory joined with purging, the spirit of judgment, and of burning, in the verse before my text; here is holiness written on every Soul, vers. 3. and to be holy is all one with being set apart to a holy use and being prepared, and fitted for it. ...
For more, see Sidrach Simpson on reformation and the purity of ordinances.
For more, see Sidrach Simpson on reformation and the purity of ordinances.