Yesterday, I was going through different reviews on a book on justification when I found a comment by a Roman Catholic very troubling and confusing. Speaking on Reformed teaching on justification, he said as followed:
"According to Catholicism, human nature is injured by Original Sin. Adam's sin is passed onto us by way of regeneration (the fact that we are born). The classical Protestant view that holds that human nature has been totally corrupted or that we are totally depraved so that we do not have free will and are no longer in the image of God. Ergo, none of our acts could ever be truly good. Whereas in the Roman Catholic position grace enters in and heals the original wound and brings about image perfection, the classical Protestant position is that grace enters in enables us to believe and receive Christ's righteousness as a cloak that covers us. Hence, according to Luther, the righteousness of Christ covers us like snow covering a dung pile. God chooses to see only the beautiful snow (Christ righteousness) and not the depraved dung underneath."
How do we meaningfully response to this comment?
Yesterday, I was going through different reviews on a book on justification when I found a comment by a Roman Catholic very troubling and confusing. Speaking on Reformed teaching on justification, he said as followed:
"According to Catholicism, human nature is injured by Original Sin. Adam's sin is passed onto us by way of regeneration (the fact that we are born). The classical Protestant view that holds that human nature has been totally corrupted or that we are totally depraved so that we do not have free will and are no longer in the image of God. Ergo, none of our acts could ever be truly good. Whereas in the Roman Catholic position grace enters in and heals the original wound and brings about image perfection, the classical Protestant position is that grace enters in enables us to believe and receive Christ's righteousness as a cloak that covers us. Hence, according to Luther, the righteousness of Christ covers us like snow covering a dung pile. God chooses to see only the beautiful snow (Christ righteousness) and not the depraved dung underneath."
How do we meaningfully response to this comment?