Space for 2 or 3 late Sponsors for Naphtali Press Special Editions for current and next production year, Beeke video, Van Dixhoorn endorsement

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Volume 1 of the first series year 2019-21 for NPSE, Durham on Revelation v1, is in print as folks may know. RHB and NP are going to press with the second volume, the London Provincial Assembly's Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici (perhaps the most lauded English work defending the Presbyterian model as what is taught in Scripture) in a critical edition on Monday, June 15. See Chad Van Dixhoorn's endorsement below.

This plug is to get any last minute sponsors for the series with a two year opportunity, with slight reduction since Durham v1 is in print. I will need to receive your sponsorship at latest by early Monday morning 9am Texas time via the Paypal link since I close out and send the files Monday morning. With that exception, otherwise, sponsors are recognized in the sponsor section of each book and receive a special bookplate inside the front cover. Sponsors on this two year deal will get the 2019-20 titles--a copy of Durham on Revelation v1 with bookplate, and as they come off the press, copies of JDRE and David Dickson's sermons from manuscript new found on Lamentations from 1628. With this sponsorship you will also be set to receive all the titles produced in our second series year, 2020-21. Lord willing, this will be Durham v2 on Revelation at the very least with additional titles (ideas pending), all subject to the level of sponsorship received.

This is a high quality series. And the volumes are large format (see the video). Paypal link to sponsor: $350 for 2019-21, and 2020-21.
See Dr. Beeke's video promoting the Durham volume below and below that about JDRE

Description of JDRE and Van Dixhoorn endorsement.

A Pastoral Work on Church Government. According to many historians this well written and well reasoned work was the Westminster Assembly’s defense of presbyterianism. Part 1 of Jus Divinum establishes the nature of a divine right and the different ways to determine whether something has a divine right according to the Scriptures. Part 2 takes up what form of church government is established by Scripture to be of divine right. The book espouses jus divinum presbyterianism. The Southern Presbyterian Thomas Smyth called this book “a work of admirable and overpowering argument.” In The Church of Christ, James Bannerman said this “work contains an extremely able, thorough, and satisfactory discussion of most of the points relating to the nature of Church government as a Divine institution, and to the power or authority of the Church, its seat and exercise.” Church sessions would profit much from studying this work together.

In 1646 the often tense relationship between the English Parliament and the Westminster Assembly of Divines, which had been summoned to advise Parliament on reforming the Church of England, came to a boiling point. When the House of Commons made it clear by an ordinance that a creature of Parliament would decide cases of suspension from the Lord’s Supper, the Assembly protested that this was “contrary to that Way of Government which Christ hath appointed in His Church, in that it giveth a Power to judge of the Fitness of Persons to come to the Sacrament unto such as our Lord Christ hath not given that Power unto.” The Commons charged the Assembly with breach of privilege and ordered that they answer nine questions about what the Scriptures mandate regarding church government, and then published the questions in an attempt to discredit the Assembly. Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici has long been considered the embodiment of the defensive reply of the presbyterian majority and in some respect the whole Assembly of Divines of what the Scriptures teach about church government. The present volume presents a critical text of this work based on the three period editions of 1646, 1647, and 1654. The briefer but extremely helpful Part 1 describes how to determine whether something is of divine right, while the longer Part 2 describes the details of that system of government found to be of divine right in the Word of God.


“Arguably the best biblical defenses of presbyterian ecclesiology and explanations of its polity were produced in the seventeenth century. Among these, none has a reputation better than an English work with the Latin title Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici, with the English subtitle The Divine Right of Church Government. In three successive editions, two of which were penned during the time that the Westminster Assembly met, ‘sundry’ London ministers laid out their case. In the first part of the book they demonstrate that there is a government of the church established and revealed by God. In the second part of the book they describe that government, explain its benefits to God’s people, and further develop the biblical and theological justifications for presbyterianism.

Chris Coldwell’s new edition of this classic work will prove a most welcome addition to the Presbyterian minister’s or even church member’s bookshelf. The entire book was addressed to people who were not yet persuaded regarding the merits of presbyterian church government. It hardly needs to be said that such an audience has only expanded in the Christian world and that many people could benefit from understanding a principled form of church government rather than ones where leaders (or members) make it up as they go along. This critical edition is almost a third longer than earlier abridged versions. It offers David Noe’s translations of Latin material and a thoughtful introduction. The edition also evidences Coldwell’s careful editorial work and successful sleuthing, in some cases solving puzzles that have stumped historians for centuries. Editor, subscribers, and publisher are to be thanked for this invaluable scholarly contribution.” — Chad Van Dixhoorn, editor of The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly 1643–1652
Not yet; I'm trying to nail down one of the additional projects to v2 of Durham before sending out renewals. Hopefully I can get on that next week.

I was a sponsor on the 2019--20 series, is there a place to sign up for the 2020--21?
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