Puritan Board Professor
As I have been looking for and continue looking for a church home, the idea of submission comes to mind more and more. I want to submit to a local church, but struggle where to draw the line when it comes to deciding who to submit to, especially when theological differences appear great.
In my neck of the woods, attending a dispensational church may be the best option for our family. The seeker sensitive churches sicken me and dispensational churches at times get me riled up inside. I don't like being sick, so it may be best to deal with getting riled up. I've submitted to dispensational churches before and can do it again. I just wonder if its right.
I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts about what it means to submit and when we should submit? In the husband/wife relationship, submission is expected by the wife unless the husband asks her to do something blatantly against the scriptures. How does that idea relate to choosing a church to submit to?
It seems like, by the nature of the word, that submission implies a difference of opinion with one party yielding to the other. Is that true? If I agree totally with a church's teachings, is submission possible? It seems like there's no need for submission if there's no disagreement. It seems like with submission, one has to swallow their pride and yield.
Any thoughts?
In my neck of the woods, attending a dispensational church may be the best option for our family. The seeker sensitive churches sicken me and dispensational churches at times get me riled up inside. I don't like being sick, so it may be best to deal with getting riled up. I've submitted to dispensational churches before and can do it again. I just wonder if its right.
I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts about what it means to submit and when we should submit? In the husband/wife relationship, submission is expected by the wife unless the husband asks her to do something blatantly against the scriptures. How does that idea relate to choosing a church to submit to?
It seems like, by the nature of the word, that submission implies a difference of opinion with one party yielding to the other. Is that true? If I agree totally with a church's teachings, is submission possible? It seems like there's no need for submission if there's no disagreement. It seems like with submission, one has to swallow their pride and yield.
Any thoughts?