Suggestion: Definitions Area

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Puritan Board Freshman
I would love to see a particular area - a thread, a forum, etc. - specifically for definitions/summaries of terms. For instance, I can come looking to find out what "theonomy" is, and find a lot of discussion about it, but I have to do a lot of reading just to try to sort out what the thing is that's being discussed - and in the meantime none of what I'm reading makes sense.

I know that a lot of these theological terms are not easily explained, but even a rough starting point would make it much easier for me to follow the other discussions on the topic that flesh it out.
I have used the Theopedia to get a basic definition of something. Many times the articles aren't developed, but usually there is some short definition that will help you get started.
We do have a library here is what i was told....maybe you would find this kind of thing in it.
No, I know that bc a moderator told me....can't remember which one now, of course. :lol:
Just trying to get your goat. :lol: Martin's not around much. Someone's gotta do it.

I noticed! And since I like you so much I'm amused by it.....anyother goat get would be having to run right about now! :lol: I didn't get to go into church today so I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...:(
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