Suggestion -Glossary

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Could we have some kind of glossary of terms? Especially for some of the abreviations ya"ll toss around.
Here are the understandings I have for some common ones:

BYOB--Bring your own Bible

AWOL--Absent without Limited Atonement

ESP--English Standard Puritan

NPP--New Perspective on Pubs

WCF--Westminster Confession of Fact

Virginia Huguenot drew up a list that at least dealt with the denominational abbreviations some time back. I didn't pull it up on a quick search, but it's out there somewhere for those with the diligence or searching skills.
One not on the list that I didn't know for a time is DV=Deo Volente which is Latin for God willing. You will have to let us know what terms you mean. I know when I first came 5 yrs ago there was a lot of vocab that I was unfamiliar with. I had come out of a charismatic church with absolutely no theological depth. So don't feel bad and I am glad you asked.
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