Sync Outlook 2003

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Puritan Board Freshman
How can I sync Outlook 2003 on my desktop and laptop? I want to sync everything - email, calendar, tasks, etc..

I found a way to sync through MS (hotmail) that syncs mail and calendar, but it does not sync tasks. Any suggestions?

In Outlook 2000 and earlier there was something called Net Folders that would do this. It was discontinued starting in 2003.

Your best bet will be to find a third party tool to that does it for you. Sorry I don't know of any off the top of my head, I'll try to look for one later if I get the chance.
Outlook uses one file called a .pst file. I normally move this pst file to a place on my computer where it is more accessible for backup. Depending on your version of Windows, you need to find the .pst files and keep them synced up.

I use a program called GoodSync (GoodSync : File Synchronization, File Backup Software, File Sync Software) to sync a number of files to include the .pst files. You really need to become comfortable with a file syncing process. I use a USB drive to keep my Users/L. directories synced on both computers excluding some system and desktop directores. In XP it would be under Documents and Settings.

Anyhow, if you're only interested in syncing Outlook and not other files then you just need to set up a sync between the .pst files. Use something like Goodsync to copy newer files from Desktop to USB hardrive to Notebook or vice-versa depending on what is newer.
I use Easy2sync

It is a pay for product, but it has alot of options and wizards to keep you from messing things up. It'll even sync with Exchange Server. It has a free trial period with fully functional software too.

Hope this helps :)
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