T.U.L.I.P. Updated at A Puritan's Mind

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All 5 points have been updated a bit. You need the Greek and Hebrew fonts for the section on Unconditional Election.

I have all the usual Biblical fonts installed but do not see the proper rendering. Is there something special I need to do to see them rendered at the site or are you installing some fonts to render the Greek and Hebrew?

I believe non standard fonts "should be server side" and not on the end user. But it is possible that the font isn't included in the server: https://www.quora.com/Can-you-view-...dont-have-the-font-installed-on-your-computer The fonts should be linked in the css to external sources where the font is downloaded into your browser, but again, "should be".

God bless,
All 5 points have been updated a bit. You need the Greek and Hebrew fonts for the section on Unconditional Election.

I really enjoyed reading your write up on Perseverance of the Saints, Dr. McMahon. I haven't read many books on the subject, but most often this part of the TULIP has the least amount of Scriptural references online. I can appreciate all the references you have given.

Many thanks, and God bless,
Thanks brother. I hope its helpful and edifying!

“No man living is perfectly assured of God’s love, or is so certain, that he cannot be made more certain.” –Daniel Burgess (1645–1713) The Marks of a Godly Man
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