Teaching question

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Puritan Board Freshman
There is an Assmbly of God church I visited last night. A question I have is about women teaching a class to the whole congregation. I tend to be old fashioned I admit and am more comfortable with male teachers.

She did an Ok job, but admitted she didnt know much about geography and the topic was early Israel and its boundaries.

Am going to visit a conservative Baptist church next. Are there conservative branches of Prebyterians, Lutherans etc that one should steer toward?

~ Beth
As far as Presbyterian churches go, Presbyterian Church (USA) churches are the ones to stay away from, as that is the denomination with the most liberal infiltration. You can quickly recognize a PCUSA church by the symbol at this site.

I grew up in an Assemblies of God church. While many of them would certainly be better than no church at all, if there are any other options besides that and downright liberal churches, I would recommend staying far away from the A/G.
I regret to say the Presbyterian Church USA is not the only one to avoid.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Churches are arminian when they are not liberal.
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church has many fine people but they ordain women and allow them to fill roles they should not.
The EPC also approves of charismatic gifts. Still, they're nowhere near as bad as the PCUSA. And aren't Cumberland Presbyterians 4-pointers?
I grew up in an Assemblies of God church. While many of them would certainly be better than no church at all


I strongly disagree with this statement. I'm of the opinion that this denomination is a false church and should not be attended by a true believer even if that meant not attending church at all. I'm not trying to pick on you or attack you personally since you grew up in one but I believe if a church is teaching further revelation, you're better off staying at home than worshipping there.

This is by no means limited to the AOG denomination, there are some others listed here that I would also stay far away from.
The Cumberland Presbyterian types I have run into are one or two pointers at best.
I large element of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church reunited with the old Presbyterian Church USA early in the 20th century. They professed to be four pointers. If I remember correctly the element that stayed out of this union were less then four pointers.
I agree with Scot. I would stay away from the Assemblies of God. I have been a Christian for a while now and have seen to many bad things come out of the Assemblies Churches. I would look for a good Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). They tend to be one of the most balanced and biblical denominations. I'm sure you ought to be able to find one. If you can't find one look for a good Baptist Church.

I prefer to follow the Biblical model of Men having authority and teaching the word. I believe that congregational teaching belongs to the Elders of a congregation. And Elders should be men. I have no problem with women teaching women as they are commanded to do. Let the older women teach the younger women. Titus 2:3-5

Be Encouraged:candle:
I would look for a good Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). They tend to be one of the most balanced and biblical denominations. I'm sure you ought to be able to find one. If you can't find one look for a good Baptist Church.

Don't forget OPC!

The main thing is to look for a church that uses the Bible ALONE as it's authority. All false churches either add or take away from scripture (Rev. 22:18, 19). Stay away from visions, dreams, tongues, etc.
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