The Alliance of Biblical Pentecostals

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Puritan Board Doctor
Now I know there is still error within them, but have any of you read their stuff? They seem to be demanding a respect for the law of God and have come down pretty hard on the silly things done in charismatic churches.

I was talking to someone who pointed this out to me and I was surprised!

Just keep them in your prayers, Their take on the law is really surprising. As I said, still a ways to go, but it appears they are on the right track!
Oh Sean, I know they are in great error, but their sudden intrest in the Law is what gives me some encouragement, if for nothing else than to see some people I know within it, out of it!

I can use their intrest in the law of God to lead them to the reformed position Lord willing!

I am so used to these people saying the law has been fulfilled or is "nailed to the cross" etc. I am just looking on the bright side!
Well that's true, I have run across a handful of charismatics who really think through there beliefs, and that is always refreshing. They generally tend to err in regards to the doctrines of grace.
Y'all need to get out. There is a growing movement of reform among both Pentecostals and Charasmatics. This should be encouraged, not naysayed. (Is that a word?)
Originally posted by LawrenceU
Y'all need to get out. There is a growing movement of reform among both Pentecostals and Charasmatics. This should be encouraged, not naysayed. (Is that a word?)

First I've heard that!
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