The Confessional Presbyterian journal v16 (Ussher issue) now available.

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2019-2020coversforfb.png The 2020 16th issue of The Confessional Presbyterian journal (the "Ussher" issue) has shipped to subscribers. You may still get the issue at the subscription discount of just $20 and be set up to never miss an issue (renews each Sept automatically). Or purchase stand alone at retail for $25. That's USA. See James Dickson Books in Scotland for International (it may take couple of months before their copies arrive). The v15 "Voetius" issue is also a good issue (being our two issue venture into nonPresbyterian cover subjects). There are also offers on all back issues in print at steep discounts for the full suite (but v1&v8 are OOP). Contents below and see the store:

Table of Contents

2. Editorial


3. Archbishop James Ussher (1581–1656): His Life and Work, the Scholarship about Him, and His Significance for Confessional Presbyterians

17 Complete Bibliography of Ussher Secondary Literature

By Harrison Perkins

21. Archbishop Ussher’s Reading List

By Harrison Perkins

33. “The Mysteries of Christ”: James Ussher Among the Puritans, 1626

By Richard Snoddy

52. Archbishop Ussher and Old Testament Chronology

By Benjamin Shaw

59. The Role of ‘The Great Commission’ in the Apostolic Churches

By Stewart E. Lauer

67. David Dickson’s Sermons on Jeremiah’s Lamentations (1628)

84 David Dickson: A Provisional Bibliography

By Matthew A. Vogan

93. The Westminster Assembly and 17th Century English Radicalism: Resolutions and Reformations

By Clif Daniell

109. The Westminster Assembly & Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici

By Chris Coldwell

125. In Pursuit of an Owenian Pastoral Theology: An Examination of John Owen’s Ordination Sermons

By Angelo O. Valle

143. Account of the Controversy respecting The Marrow of Modern Divinity

By Thomas M‘Crie

185. 400th Anniversary of the Pilgrim landing at Plymouth Rock

By Frank J. Smith

193. A Sermon on Mark 16:14–20 at the General Assembly, Louisville, Ky, May 15, 1879

By Thomas E. Peck

201. The Soul of the Church: The Church’s Spiritual Mission

By C. N. Willborn

210. Neighborhood and Brotherhood: From Elements of Truth, volume 2 (1915)

By Robert Alexander Webb

217 Reviews & Responses: David Fergusson and Mark W. Elliot (eds.), The History of Scottish Theology, 3 vols. (Harrison Perkins) 217 ■ Kirk R. MacGregor, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction (Zachary Groff) 219 ■ Harrison Perkins, Catholicity and the Covenant of Works: James Ussher and the Reformed Tradition (J. V. Fesko) 222 ■ Jay T.Collier, Debating Perseverance: The Augustinian Heritage in Post-Reformation England (Thomas Haviland-Pabst) 223 ■ Sam Waldron, The Crux of the Free Offer: A Biblical, Confessional, and Theological Explanation and Defence of the Well-Meant Offer of the Gospel (Daniel Ritchie) 226 ■ Jordan Cooper, “Prolegomena: A Defense of the Scholastic Method” A Contemporary Protestant Scholastic Theology (Angelo O. Valle) 233 ■ Benjamin Shaw, Ecclesiastes: Life in a Fallen World (Lane Keister) 237 ■

239 Psallo: Psalm 82:1–8

244 Opuscula Selecta: Canons of the Apostles as Copied from the Ancient and Catholic Books, from the Magdeburg Centuries, volume 1, part II.

256 Antiquary: The Identity of W. A. & Other Bibliographical Mysteries in Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici (1646–1654)

264 Bibliography

278 The Editors

278 Et Mortuus Adhuc Per Eam Loquitur: David Dickson on Lamentations 1:9.

In Brief: Did James Ussher Visit Samuel Rutherford? (56–58) ■ In Brief: James Ussher, The Infallible Marks of a True Visible Church. (66) ■ In Brief: Exhortation to the Five Independent Brethren. Extract from George Gillespie, Wholesome Severity Reconciled with Christian Liberty (1645). (107–108) ■ In Brief: An excerpt from James Ussher’s Manuscript Sermon on 2 Corinthians 6:1, which he preached on October 20, 1651 (142) ■ In Brief: In Defense of the Traditional Ending of Mark (200) ■ In Brief: David Dickson on Psalm 82:1 8. (243) ■
I got my copy through the mail earlier; thanks, Chris. I am really looking forward to reading the elder Thomas McCrie on the Marrow Controversy. I was never able to find the relevant editions of the Edinburgh Christian Instructor online, nor have I had an occasion of late to be in Edinburgh to look at any hard copies of this publication.
I got my copy through the mail earlier; thanks, Chris. I am really looking forward to reading the elder Thomas McCrie on the Marrow Controversy. I was never able to find the relevant editions of the Edinburgh Christian Instructor online, nor have I had an occasion of late to be in Edinburgh to look at any hard copies of this publication.
There are two bits in the 2020 issue, the M'Crie and the extract by R. A. Webb. The issue is worth getting just for these but then there's the Ussher bits too. Both very hard to find and neither has been digitized and put on the Internet. Both the texts curteousy of Wayne Sparkman who snagged the M'Crie from David Lachman and the Webb if of course in his more specific wheelhouse obtaining Southern Presbyterian. materials for the PCA Historical Center. I spent some sometimes frustrating time updating M'Crie's citations because he wrote a few years before he edited the Wodrow Letters in 3 volumes of Correspondence (but a surprising number he referenced he didn't include in the collection as he had to be sparing in including responses) and before the 4 volume Analecta were published and he cited the MS; he also cited quite a number of MS collections I had to find the new under new classifications. Lachman's book on the Marrow Controversy helped quite a bit but even since his book some of the reference numbering has changed.
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