The man Christ Jesus

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Puritanboard Brimstone
If you're like many, you may say that you believe Jesus is a man... but whenever you read of him doing something like resisting the devil you may say, "Of course he did... he's God!" Thus functionally, we have a hard time seeing him as a man.

Often times he is portrayed as being somewhat odd... hardly someone with whom you can relate.

In this post I discuss how remarkably normal Jesus was and why that's good news. I also provide an acronym that I've come up with as an aid to explore how completely his humanity in fact is.

You can read it here: The man Christ Jesus.
I think so many folks (especially Christians) are thoroughly confused about who Christ is. I blame this on poor teaching in pop-evangelical circles. I always go right to the creed of Chalcedon; it is the most descriptive, comprehensive summary of the two natures of our Lord I know about. Two natures without mixture, confusion........vere homo, vere deus.......the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being's all there and helps make the potentially confusing, clear. That being said, I would never pretend to understand hypostasis fully or think I have the mysteries of God all figured out. But Chalcedon cleared up an awful lot of confusion for me......
I think so many folks (especially Christians) are thoroughly confused about who Christ is. I blame this on poor teaching in pop-evangelical circles. I always go right to the creed of Chalcedon; it is the most descriptive, comprehensive summary of the two natures of our Lord I know about. Two natures without mixture, confusion........vere homo, vere deus.......the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being's all there and helps make the potentially confusing, clear. That being said, I would never pretend to understand hypostasis fully or think I have the mysteries of God all figured out. But Chalcedon cleared up an awful lot of confusion for me......

I agree that Chalcedon accurately articulates things.

But it is seldom - ok, never - that I encounter someone who appreciates his humanity or deity on the basis of a creedal assertion.
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