The News at Any Cost

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Puritanboard Librarian
As we all know the media act as information gatekeepers in our society. An excellent behind the scenes expose into this phenomenon is The News at Any Cost (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985) by Tom Goldstein, a former reporter for the New York Times. If you want to learn why "journalistic ethics" has become an oxymoron, this is a good book to read.

Chapter titles include the following:

Journalists for the Prosecution
Journalists as Unacknowledged Legislators
Being There: Journalists as Eyewitnesses
Being Someone Else: Journalists Who Masquerade
Inside Stories: What the Public Isn't Told
None of This Is Made Up: Faking and Plagiarism
Lost Credibility: Mistakes and Corrections
Thin Skins: When Journalists Become the Story
Our daughter wants to be a news castor/anchor. She has an internship starting in January at a local station!

Maybe I will get her this book.
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