The Noble Exegete...A.W.Pink

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From :profiting From The Word

First,what are the objects before your mind in times of recreation?What do your thoughts most run upon?Second,what are the objects of your choice?When you have to decide how to spend an evening or the sabbath afternoon,what do you select?Third,which ocasions you the most sorrow,the loss of earthly things,or lack of communion with God?Which greater grief(or chagrin),the spoiling of your plans,or the coldness of your heart to Christ?Fourth,what is your favourite topic of conversation?Do you hanker after the news of the day,or to meet with those who talk of the altogether lovely One?Fifth,do your good intentions materialize,or are they nothing but empty dreams?Are you spending more or less time than formerly on your knees?Is the Word sweeter to your taste,or has your soul lost its relish for it?
From:profiting From the Word

This is within the chapter entitled:The Scriptures and Obedience

[Some]suppose that because their store of biblical knowledge has increased that they are more spiritual...We feed on the Word only when we personally appropriate,masticulate and assimilate into our lives what we hear and read.Where there is not an increasing conformity of heart and life to God's Word,then increased knowledge will only bring increased condemnation...There is such a thing as spiritual dropsy,and multitudes are suffering from it.The more they hear,the more they want to hear;they drink in sermons and addresses with avidity,but their lives are unchanged.They are puffed up with their knowledge,not humbled into the dust before God.
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