The Practice of Mortification

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Puritan Board Sophomore
"The directions for the actual work of mortification (of sin) are very few. Indeed, there are only two. The first is to live wholly and solely in your trust in Christ. The second is to seek the Holy Spirit, who alone mortifies sin."

John Owen, "Sin and Temptation"
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"Without obedience to all of God's Word and all of God's provisions for salvation, isolated acts of mortification avail little. Universal obedience is essential . . .

True mortification is the work of the Holy Spirit as we trust Christ. God promised to give us the Spirit for this need. Both Ezekiel 11:19 and 36:26 promise, 'I will give you my Spirit and take away your stony heart.' We also experience this mortification as the gift of Christ, for without Him we can do nothing. (John 15:5)"

John Owen, "Sin and Temptation"
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