The Puritan Ultimate Collection - On-Sale at Logos for $219 for a limited time.

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Puritan Board Junior
The works that come in it are:

Commentary on Hebrews – John Owens – (7 Vols.)
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes.
The Christian in Complete Armour
Select Works of Obadiah Sedgwick (8 vols.)
The Complete Works of Stephen Charnock (5 vols.)
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks (6 vols.)
The Complete Works of Thomas Manton (22 vols.)
The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter (23 vols.)
The Whole Works of John Flavel (6 vols.)
The Whole Works of Thomas Boston (12 vols.)
The Works of Edward Polhill
The Works of John Owen (17 vols.)
The Works of Richard Sibbes (7 vols.)
The Works of Robert Traill (4 vols.)
The Works of the Rev. John Howe (3 vols.)
Thomas Watson Collection (7 vols.)
Works of John Bunyan (3 vols.)

Normally over $1,000; on sale for $219.

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Agree well worth it, especially for research. For technical study (such as Owen on Hebrews) the ability to quickly search Hebrew, Greek, and Latin within the program is powerful (whether you have the lexical works or the many secular texts as well).
This is what I like about it, for the reasons you mentioned, and also for the ability of Scripture pop-ups. Plus the Puritan type sets I have bought, I have saved a lot of money.

Commentary on Hebrews – John Owens – (7 Vols.) --$153pr
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes.
The Christian in Complete Armour --$27pr
Select Works of Obadiah Sedgwick (8 vols.)
The Complete Works of Stephen Charnock (5 vols.) --$89pr
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks (6 vols.) --$113pr
The Complete Works of Thomas Manton (22 vols.) ---$480pr
The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter (23 vols.) ---$152pr
The Whole Works of John Flavel (6 vols.) ---$163pr
The Whole Works of Thomas Boston (12 vols.) ---$270pr
The Works of Edward Polhill ---$24pr
The Works of John Owen (17 vols.) ---$239pr
The Works of Richard Sibbes (7 vols.) ---$130pr
The Works of Robert Traill (4 vols.) ---$41pr
The Works of the Rev. John Howe (3 vols.)
Thomas Watson Collection (7 vols.)

Works of John Bunyan (3 vols.) ---$93pr
^Logos Sale Price-- $219^ On-Sale
The Works of Thomas Goodwin (12 vols.) ---$260pr
The Whole Works of James Ussher (18 vols.)
The Works of Ezekiel Hopkins (4 vols.)

The Works of George Swinnock (5 vols.) ---$87pr
The Whole Works of the Rev. William Bates (4 vols.)
The Works of David Clarkson (3 vols.) ---$43pr
The Whole Works of the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine (3 vols.) ---$109pr
The Works of Thomas Adams (3 vols.) ---$114pr
Select Works of Roger Williams (9 vols.) ---$243pr
The Works of President Edwards (10 vols.)
The Works of William Perkins (10 vols.) ---$350pr
The Works of John Knox (6 vols.) ---$117pr
^Logos Price = $703^ Normal Price
Logos Price On-Sale = $703+$219 = $922 (what I spent for all the above.)
Logos Price Not-On-Sale = $1,903
Print Cost =
Books in Italics, No Print Found. pr=Print.
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to be able to search any gems a Puritan says on this or that verse with a click is very useful.
plus the space saved. I literally don't have space for these volumes.
plus the better formatting on Logos for these older works.

to be able to search any gems a Puritan says on this or that verse with a click is very useful.
plus the space saved. I literally don't have space for these volumes.
plus the better formatting on Logos for these older works.
This is why I love Logos. 165 people purchased the Puritan Ultimate at $209 on sale. The cost of those works in print is $1,974. For 165 people to purchase these works from Logos was $34,485. But the cost for 165 people to purchase them in print would have been $325,710. That is a savings for Christians of $291,225!

puritan save.jpg
Already have most of this already in Logos, but that is a phenomenal price if you do not.
I love the dynamic pricing that Logos offers. I purchased this collection for $35.32 last week and rounded out my Puritan sets.
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