Puritan Board Junior
The works that come in it are:
Commentary on Hebrews – John Owens – (7 Vols.)
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes.
The Christian in Complete Armour
Select Works of Obadiah Sedgwick (8 vols.)
The Complete Works of Stephen Charnock (5 vols.)
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks (6 vols.)
The Complete Works of Thomas Manton (22 vols.)
The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter (23 vols.)
The Whole Works of John Flavel (6 vols.)
The Whole Works of Thomas Boston (12 vols.)
The Works of Edward Polhill
The Works of John Owen (17 vols.)
The Works of Richard Sibbes (7 vols.)
The Works of Robert Traill (4 vols.)
The Works of the Rev. John Howe (3 vols.)
Thomas Watson Collection (7 vols.)
Works of John Bunyan (3 vols.)
Normally over $1,000; on sale for $219.
Commentary on Hebrews – John Owens – (7 Vols.)
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes.
The Christian in Complete Armour
Select Works of Obadiah Sedgwick (8 vols.)
The Complete Works of Stephen Charnock (5 vols.)
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks (6 vols.)
The Complete Works of Thomas Manton (22 vols.)
The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter (23 vols.)
The Whole Works of John Flavel (6 vols.)
The Whole Works of Thomas Boston (12 vols.)
The Works of Edward Polhill
The Works of John Owen (17 vols.)
The Works of Richard Sibbes (7 vols.)
The Works of Robert Traill (4 vols.)
The Works of the Rev. John Howe (3 vols.)
Thomas Watson Collection (7 vols.)
Works of John Bunyan (3 vols.)
Normally over $1,000; on sale for $219.
Puritan Ultimate Collection (188 Resources)
European and American Puritans valued the study of God's word and produced an incredible amount of rich resources. This massive collection contains many Puritan classics, including treatises, sermons, exegesis, and theological studies from John Owen, Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, Thomas Boston...
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