The reckoning of Al Molher

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Puritan Board Senior
Anyone else see this article.

It looks like Al will finally have to choose a side rather than trying to please everyone. Personally, I have lost all respect for this man over the past few years.
Like one random individual, whom I do not know, said on Twitter in response to this:

"He has made his bed. Now he must lie in it."​
While I’m no Al fan, I can’t blame him for not prejudicially judging all cops in a sweeping way. Nor do I fault him for seeing Trump’s apparent hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the episcopal church.
While I’m no Al fan, I can’t blame him for not prejudicially judging all cops in a sweeping way. Nor do I fault him for seeing Trump’s apparent hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the episcopal church.
I think that is the point. There are areas of agreement for both conservatives with AL, but also Liberals. He is under attack from both sides. I also agree with the things you do. The problem is when you support both sides, especially in matters that are opposed to each other, you look like you are playing politics and are only interesting in the approval of men, not what is actually right and wrong (as God defines it). I believe the theologically conservative would accept an apology and gladly welcome him back. With the liberals though, we know that repentance is not an option and no amount of virtue signaling will ever be enough.
I have found Al helpful and clear very often when I have listened to his Daily Briefings on political matters (full disclosure, I have not listened in a long time). Sure we have our disagreements, but I pray he fights this with biblical truth as I still consider him a brother in Christ.

P.S. I sure hope PB does not begin to turn into some “Hot Take” cite (seems that way lately) for every single proposed drama as soon as it hits the press. Let’s be careful.
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I sure hope PB does not begin to turn into some “Hot Take” cite (seems that way lately) for every single proposed drama as soon as it hits the press. Let’s be careful.

Where else would you suggest we talk about these things? Isn't that what forums are for?
Where else would you suggest we talk about these things? Isn't that what forums are for?
I certainly am not trying to silence the discussion, but I have found always having a hot take on fresh press has a proneness to 9th commandment issues. Hence, I contributed and tried to give a “be careful” reminder. Better to be reminded as a thread begins than to be reminded by a failing example, in my opinion.
I think that is the point. There are areas of agreement for both conservatives with AL, but also Liberals. He is under attack from both sides. I also agree with the things you do. The problem is when you support both sides, especially in matters that are opposed to each other, you look like you are playing politics and are only interesting in the approval of men, not what is actually right and wrong (as God defines it). I believe the theologically conservative would accept an apology and gladly welcome him back. With the liberals though, we know that repentance is not an option and no amount of virtue signaling will ever be enough.

I think that misses my point. Conservatives shouldn’t have a problem with the things I listed. Their problems should be found elsewhere. From reading the article one might think that to be a conservative evangelical one must be blind to Trump’s apparent charade.
I think that misses my point. Conservatives shouldn’t have a problem with the things I listed. Their problems should be found elsewhere. From reading the article one might think that to be a conservative evangelical one must be blind to Trump’s apparent charade.
The Church should divorce itself from politics now more than ever. This has been my biggest concern. Neo-Nationalism and global-universalism and a multitude of overlaps is not a political landscape that interests me. Give me pure doctrine and the freedom to freely practice and apply it. Our politics will leave us high and dry one way or another. We need to stand firm in what we know and believe. I believe that requires consistency and scrutiny. Maybe there needs to be a political party that represents/reflects us, not to win, but to clearly state our platform - what is good and should be upheld and what is bad and should be restrained. This way our public position could align with our spiritual citizenship - rather then compromise or exceed it.
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