Puritan Board Professor
I'm not a fan of his project but he is pretty clear that's not what he's talking about. He only advocates people join up with conservative or moderate churches from his vantage point. The issue is that conservative or moderate there is going to be pretty iffy in a lot of cases.he idea, though that you can go into ostensibly looney left churches and by some incremental power take them over in short order is silly.
Sure in your particular NAPARC or Reformed Baptist context, you might have to deal with some kind of dodgy trendy thing within Evangelicalism or the like. I grew up in a conservative-moderate mainline church that had evangelical ministers in it and legitimately evangelical teachers; however, the breadth of the church and the denomination meant that what was unthinkable then is quite thinkable on the part of other teachers. There were still far too many given full leave to deny the Gospel, the authority of Scripture and so forth. I mean just as one example of this moderate/conservative being far to the left most or all of us, he's vituperatively against anyone who does NOT support evolution.
Also the leadership of these denominations may *not* care one bit who someone sleeps with, but they can most certainly exercise fierce church discipline, especially against the clergy and elders. Laity they just don't care about unless they're actually really powerful. If his movement were to actually gain traction, it'd be ugly when the institution fights back.
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