The Reconquista Movement

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he idea, though that you can go into ostensibly looney left churches and by some incremental power take them over in short order is silly.
I'm not a fan of his project but he is pretty clear that's not what he's talking about. He only advocates people join up with conservative or moderate churches from his vantage point. The issue is that conservative or moderate there is going to be pretty iffy in a lot of cases.

Sure in your particular NAPARC or Reformed Baptist context, you might have to deal with some kind of dodgy trendy thing within Evangelicalism or the like. I grew up in a conservative-moderate mainline church that had evangelical ministers in it and legitimately evangelical teachers; however, the breadth of the church and the denomination meant that what was unthinkable then is quite thinkable on the part of other teachers. There were still far too many given full leave to deny the Gospel, the authority of Scripture and so forth. I mean just as one example of this moderate/conservative being far to the left most or all of us, he's vituperatively against anyone who does NOT support evolution.

Also the leadership of these denominations may *not* care one bit who someone sleeps with, but they can most certainly exercise fierce church discipline, especially against the clergy and elders. Laity they just don't care about unless they're actually really powerful. If his movement were to actually gain traction, it'd be ugly when the institution fights back.
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Zoomer is unfortunately alongside his ignorance, uncharitable. He doesn’t realize he is the liberalism that Machen and others fought against as he is Neo-Orthodox, pro-evolution, and at least neutral towards women’s ordination. He’s also advising men in a round about way, to *lie* in ordination vows.

God doesn’t reside in fancy buildings made by human hands.
I am unfamiliar with this young man's online work except to have seen a few minutes of some minecraft gameplay with theological discussion and a video about reformed theology. It's a little bewildering to me, and I am only 27. From a surface view, it's concerning when doctrine is taught by way of things like memes. Does he operate under the oversight of local church eldership, or is he ordained himself?
I am unfamiliar with this young man's online work except to have seen a few minutes of some minecraft gameplay with theological discussion and a video about reformed theology. It's a little bewildering to me, and I am only 27. From a surface view, it's concerning when doctrine is taught by way of things like memes. Does he operate under the oversight of local church eldership, or is he ordained himself?
Unordained PCUSA member
Screenshot 2024-09-25 23.40.28.png

Redeemed Zoomer posted the above confession on his Instagram story. Hopefully, he is learning not to constantly punch right. I sympathise with his positions on mainline denominations and church buildings, though I find some of his arguments oversimplified and impractical.
Redeemed Zoomer posted the above confession on his Instagram story. Hopefully, he is learning not to constantly punch right. I sympathise with his positions on mainline denominations and church buildings, though I find some of his arguments oversimplified and impractical.

"I wouldn't be Christian if he hadn't." That tells one everything he needs to know. He is preoccupied with the subsidiary means God uses and does not value the grace of God for itself or the primary means of grace He blesses for the salvation of sinners.
I wouldn't recommend paying too much mind to that one. In addition to what has been mentioned here, he has recently put out a video describing the tiers of importance when it comes to certain issues in the church - particularly, what divides us, and what merely causes disagreement among Christians:

pyramid of importance.png

I think you can see the problem. Also, notice how abortion isn't named, but birth control and medical decisions are.

The Apostle Paul clearly commanded those in Corinth to put the man committing sexual sin out of the church. Jesus clearly commands us to regard our unrepentant brothers and sisters as sinners. Such discipline is actually for their own good. So considering that because of sexual immorality, human flesh has already had poured out upon it the eternal fire, and the lands upon which that fire fell are to this day desolate; and considering that the Lord set His face against and prescribed death for those who were guilty of passing their children through the fire to Molech, I would say that God, who separates light from darkness, takes sodomy and child murder seriously enough that we ought to separate ourselves from it. I would say it is of the utmost importance.

So sadly and tragically, I consider that young man to be scattering and not gathering, particularly in such perilous times when it as important as ever to take a stand against such things.
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I don't understand why people like this get any attention. It seems so strange how many people are into YouTube "theologians" (this is not to imply anyone on this site does, this is more of a general comment as he clearly has followers from somewhere). Except, this guy isn't even a theologian or even remotely orthodox in his Protestant beliefs. Very odd indeed.
I don't understand why people like this get any attention. It seems so strange how many people are into YouTube "theologians" (this is not to imply anyone on this site does, this is more of a general comment as he clearly has followers from somewhere). Except, this guy isn't even a theologian or even remotely orthodox in his Protestant beliefs. Very odd indeed.

Numbers game, which is downstream from the primary reason: his videomaking abilities including graphics and timing for each cut. This makes it easy and pleasant for the brains viewing it.

If he was just a guy speaking into a webcam, I imagine he would be as irrelevant as he should be.
I don't understand why people like this get any attention. It seems so strange how many people are into YouTube "theologians" (this is not to imply anyone on this site does, this is more of a general comment as he clearly has followers from somewhere). Except, this guy isn't even a theologian or even remotely orthodox in his Protestant beliefs. Very odd indeed.

Numbers game, which is downstream from the primary reason: his videomaking abilities including graphics and timing for each cut. This makes it easy and pleasant for the brains viewing it.

If he was just a guy speaking into a webcam, I imagine he would be as irrelevant as he should be.
Plus young people like memes, and he capitalizes on that.
Plus young people like memes, and he capitalizes on that.
I know him from Instagram & knew him before his fame & many people (I cannot over exaggerate this & I think many underestimate his reach) are coming to believe in the things he is teaching & use his categories even to describe their own churches. “Retreatist”.
I don't understand why people like this get any attention. It seems so strange how many people are into YouTube "theologians" (this is not to imply anyone on this site does, this is more of a general comment as he clearly has followers from somewhere). Except, this guy isn't even a theologian or even remotely orthodox in his Protestant beliefs. Very odd indee
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