The Upper Room & Old Paths

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Puritan Board Junior
I picked up these two volumes by J.C. Ryle over the weekend and have been digging in. The only other Ryle book I have is "Holiness".

So far I've read chapters 2 & 3 of "Old Paths" and am enjoying it immensely. (I skipped chapter one on "Inspiration" for now). The only thing with Ryle is I feel so utterly unworthy after reading him, but, I suppose that's a good thing. Better to feel unworthy than presumptiously assured.

Ryle rocks!

[Edited on 11-14-2005 by Rick Larson]
My fourth Ryle volume "Practical Religion" arrived in the mail yesterday (got a great deal used)-- read the first chapter "Self Inquiry" last night.

Oh boy.

Hang on to your seat with "Practical Religion"! That is one of his best, In my humble opinion.

Just my :2cents:

What denomination was Ryle? I'm about to start a series on the "Life of Christ". Would Ryle be good for sermon preparation and devotional reading on the Gospels? What potential pitfalls are in his writings on the Gospels that I should be weary of. Thanks all.
"In Christ",
Originally posted by Preach
What denomination was Ryle? I'm about to start a series on the "Life of Christ". Would Ryle be good for sermon preparation and devotional reading on the Gospels? What potential pitfalls are in his writings on the Gospels that I should be weary of. Thanks all.
"In Christ",

J.C. Ryle was Anglican. His Gospel commentaries are some of the best In my humble opinion. I absolutely Love his Commentary on John. I have the hardback from Baker so it isn't cut up into three volume paperbacks.
I think I remember Ryle's Gospel commentaries being four volumes? Does that sound right? Does anyone know where I can get them and how much they cost. Thanks.
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