Theological terms in other languages

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Me Died Blue

Puritan Board Post-Graduate
My recent thread about French Bibles raised another thought in my mind: How are very specific theological terms translated into other languages, such as "infralapsarianism," imputation vs. infusion, illumination vs. revelation, preterism, theonomy, Postmillennialism, etc., and how do we find out exactly which foreign words mean just what we mean by the corresponding English words? It seems like an exact, specific correspondance between such terms would be imperative for meaningful translation and interaction between theological works of different languages.
Most are latin and/or greek anyway. Others probably have corresponding terms in foreign languages. (Theology didnt develope in an English speaking bubble after all) Thats what I think.

What's funny is that I'm very committed to learning German, and so I'm going to order a German Bible. I've read that some words can be even more specific to the doctrine than English words. For example, in Holland, the word for Trinity, drieeenheid, implies a group of three persons with some unity of relationship, whereas ours just means a group of three. So I wonder if, while you're learning Französisch and I'm learning Deutsch, we'll find that certain words are more accurate in those languages.
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