There is abundance of grace

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (Sermons on Galatians 2:21), Works 4:168:

There is abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness through Jesus Christ, needful to save any sinner. When the Lord makes this matter to balance in the eyes of his people, and there are great discoveries made to them of the aggravations and of the multitude of their sins, this is a common wicked thought arising in their awakened consciences: can God forgive? Can God pass by so many and so great transgressions? It is a sinful thought; the plain meaning of it is, “Is there more grace in God than there is sin and guilt with me?” We were all undone if it was not so. If Christ’s righteousness was not more able to justify than the first Adam’s sin was to condemn, no man could be saved. – The grace of God shines in this way of the justification of a sinner by the righteousness of Christ, in that there is an abundance of it imparted to all them that partake of it.
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