This Years Reformation Indy Conference in Indiana. April 4th-5th

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The Joyful Curmudgeon
Staff member
  • Reformation Indy | To explain the Faith from the whole scriptures…

    You are invited to join us for the Reformation Indy 2014 Conference featuring Dr. Carl Trueman speaking on the topic of Choosing Church – Reforming the Body of Christ in the 21[SUP]st[/SUP] Century. The conference will be held April 4th-5th at the Southside Reformed Presbyterian Church (6969 S. Meridian Street, Indianapolis Indiana , 46217) Online registration is also available at, and walk-in registrations are welcome. The conference is again being offered free of charge, with a freewill offering taken to help defray expenses. Reformation Heritage Books will be supplying the book table throughout the conference. To assist with planning purposes, please register by March 28th if you plan to attend.
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