Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Ingrossers; that hoard up commodities, and by stopping their propagation raise the price; these are thieves. Many Block-houses in the city, monopolies in the court, garners in the country, can testify, there are now such thieves abroad: we complain of a dearth; sure the heavens are too merciful to us, that are so unmerciful one to another: scarcity comes without God’s sending: who brings it then? even the Devil and his brokers, engrossing misers.
The Common-wealth may often blow her nails, unless she sit by an engrossers fire: her limbs may be faint with hunger, unless she buy grain at an engrosses price. I confess, this is a sin, which the Law takes notice of, but not in the full nature, as theft. The pick-purse (in my opinion) doth not so much hurt, as this general robber; for they rob millions. ...
For more, see Thomas Adams on the evil of engrossers.
The Common-wealth may often blow her nails, unless she sit by an engrossers fire: her limbs may be faint with hunger, unless she buy grain at an engrosses price. I confess, this is a sin, which the Law takes notice of, but not in the full nature, as theft. The pick-purse (in my opinion) doth not so much hurt, as this general robber; for they rob millions. ...
For more, see Thomas Adams on the evil of engrossers.