Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Commenting on Hebrews 1:8, Thomas Aquinas contrasted the kingship of Christ with the rule of tyrants:
61. Then he commends his kingdom on its equity when he says, a sceptre of justice is the sceptre of your kingdom.
And this kingdom is fittingly described by the sceptre: for a tyrannical kingdom differs from that of a king because the former exists for the tyrant’s benefit with great harm to the subjects, but a kingdom is particularly ordained to the benefit of the subjects. Consequently, the king is father and shepherd: for a shepherd does not correct with a sword but with a sceptre: I will visit their iniquities with a rod (Ps 89:33). Furthermore, a shepherd uses a rod to direct his flock: feed your people with your rod (Mic 7:14). For a rod sustains the infirm: your rod and your staff have strengthened me (Ps 23:2). Furthermore, it troubles the enemy: a sceptre shall spring up from Israel and shall strike the chiefs of Moab (Num 24:17).
For the reference, see Thomas Aquinas on the kingdom of Christ and the rule of tyrants.
61. Then he commends his kingdom on its equity when he says, a sceptre of justice is the sceptre of your kingdom.
And this kingdom is fittingly described by the sceptre: for a tyrannical kingdom differs from that of a king because the former exists for the tyrant’s benefit with great harm to the subjects, but a kingdom is particularly ordained to the benefit of the subjects. Consequently, the king is father and shepherd: for a shepherd does not correct with a sword but with a sceptre: I will visit their iniquities with a rod (Ps 89:33). Furthermore, a shepherd uses a rod to direct his flock: feed your people with your rod (Mic 7:14). For a rod sustains the infirm: your rod and your staff have strengthened me (Ps 23:2). Furthermore, it troubles the enemy: a sceptre shall spring up from Israel and shall strike the chiefs of Moab (Num 24:17).
For the reference, see Thomas Aquinas on the kingdom of Christ and the rule of tyrants.