Thomas Brightman on the unity of the Reformed churches and their sufferings

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... She [the church at Philadelphia] is set in the second place after Sardis (for this is the first after Jezabel overcome) where by is shewed that her Antitype is the second reformed Church, which should arise after the Germane, and this is the Church of the Helvetians, Suevia [Swabia], Geneva, France, Holland Scotland. I join all these into one, because they live almost after one and the same kind of laws and ordinances, as touching the things that are of any moment. Neither doth the distance of place break of that society which the conjunction of minds and will doth couple. ...

What have not endevoured the French man, the Spaniard, the Savoyan, the Pope, to root out them of Geneva, a small people, and environed on every side with enemies, and shut up from all aid of friends? Nevertheless it flourisheth yet still thanks be to God, and shall flourish hereafter, while all her adversaries burst with envy: as long as she shall continue in this holy order. The French Church hath been preserved hitherto, no other wise then the three children in the furnace.

Who would have believed that the Low Countries had been able to resist and withstand the raging Philip, the cruel Duke d’Alve, and so many bloody Tyrants? But true is he, who hath promised this honour to his saints, that they should bind the Kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron, Psalm 149.8.9. And that I may not speake of every each one, they can be safe only by thy protection, o most high God, who art constant in all thy promises, whom both enemies almost infinite do persecute with deadly hatred, and also to whom many of their freinds through envy wish not very well. ...

For more, see Thomas Brightman on the unity of the Reformed churches and their sufferings.
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