Thorough outline to Lex, Rex

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Puritanboard Clerk
Rev. David Field has provided us with a thorough outline to Lex, Rex. I am almost finished with the book and plan to write a major essay on it. Field's work should help.
Thank you for providing the link. I have tried to read Lex, Rex at least 3 times and could not get through it. Maybe using the outline will help me read it.
Thank you for providing the link. I have tried to read Lex, Rex at least 3 times and could not get through it. Maybe using the outline will help me read it.

Understandable. While I have sympathy to what many theonomists say, and I certainly agree with them contra their Reformed Pluralist critics, theonomists have done a terrible job in "spinning" Lex, Rex. Rutherford was not simply advocating theonomy (though his position would probably get him fired from seminaries today). Contra the Van Tillian crowd, to which most theonomists would attach themselves, Rutherford assumed the validity of "natural law" and Scholastic reasoning. Once I gained some familiarity with Scholasticism and the situation in Britain at the time, he became easier to read.
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