to whom then will you liken God?

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Puritan Board Freshman
who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand
and marked off the heavens with a span

enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure
cant fint the answer on this earth, forsake its pleasures

weighted the mountains in scales hills in a balance
the elect will enter His palace

who has measured the spirit of the Lord
if you really look no one can, lets explore
what man shows Him counsel, whom did He consult
who made Him understand? no one is the results!

who taught him the path of justice aswell as knowledge
or showed Him the way of understanding, He didnt need college

behold the nations like a drop from a bucket
were so small compared to God, we are like nothin
and accounted as the dust on the scales
i want no glory n i pray Lord your will prevail

behold He takes up the coastlands like fine dust
lebanon wont suffice for fuel nor are its beasts enough
for a burnt offering . all the nations are as nothing
to whom then will you liken God or what likeness compare
an idol i pray not you will be left in despare

isaiah 40:12-18
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