Tom Wells' new book: The Christian and the Sabbath

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Now, I have to ask...

Why on earth did Tom Wells feel the need to write this book? Are there vast throngs of Sabbatarians asserting their influence on church and society? Beware the dangerous doctrine of devils advocated by those sneaky Sabbatarians!
Give me a break. Even if he finds Sabbatarianism out of accord, is it really such an "issue" that it warranted a book and all that went into it? In my humble opinion, Dr. Wells would have made wiser use of his remaining time on this earth by employing his considerable intellectual prowess to defend (or critique if need be!) any one of the urgent matters on the evangelical scene.
Thanks Dr. Barcellos.

I have noticed the blogs but hadn't read them yet. The last one is really good.

I liked Stephen Owen's comment on the second blog in response to Dr. Well's saying there is no command for Sabbath observance in the Genesis creation account.

Wells writes,
‘To begin we see that there is nothing in Genesis 2:1-3 that commands a Sabbath for anyone.’

Am I going crazy? How can he write this stuff?
Surely Almighty God Himself contradicts it? Did He not write upon tablets of stone,
‘Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy……FOR in six days the LORD made heaven and earth….and rested the seventh day. THEREFORE the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it’?

It made me sad but also gave me chuckle. That is our Stephen Owen's. LOL
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