Top seven regrets of pastors

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Ordinary Guy (TM)
The Top Seven Regrets of Pastors

I thought this article was interesting.

1. Lack of practical training for local church ministry. "I was not prepared for 80 percent of my day-to-day ministry after I graduated from seminary. I wish I had taken time to find some resources or places where I could get practical training. I had to learn in the school of hard knocks, and it was very painful at times."

2. Overly concerned about critics. "I had this naïve view that a bunch of Christians in a church would always show love toward each other. Boy was I wrong! There are some mean church members out there. My regret is that I spent way too much time and emotional energy dealing with the critics. I think of the hundreds of hours I lost focusing on critics, and it grieves me to this day."

3. Failure to exercise faith. "At some point in my ministry, I started playing defense and let the status quo become my way of doing church. I was fearful of taking steps of faith, and my leadership and churches suffered as a result. Not only was I too cautious in the churches I served, I was too cautious in my own ministry. I really felt God calling me to plant a church at one point, but I was just too fearful to take that step."

4. Not enough time with family. "I can't say that people didn't warn me. One wise pastor told me I had a mistress. When he saw my anger rising, he told me that my mistress was busyness in my church, and that my family was suffering from neglect. It hurts me to say this, but one of my adult sons is still in rebellion, and I know it is a direct result of my neglect of him when he was young."

5. Failure to understand basic business and finance issues. "The first time I saw my church's budget, I thought I was looking at a foreign language. Greek is a lot easier than finance. They sure don't teach you basic church finance and business at seminary, and I didn't take the initiative to educate myself. I really felt stupid in so many of the discussions about the budget or other church business issues."

6. Failure to share ministry. "Let me shoot straight. I had two complexes. The first was the Superman complex. I felt like if ministry was going to be done well, I had to do it. I couldn't ask or equip someone else to do it. My second complex was the conflict avoider complex. I was so afraid that I would get criticized if I didn't visit Aunt Susie personally when she had an outpatient procedure that I ran myself ragged. In my second church I suffered burnout and ended up resigning."

7. Failure to make friends. "I know it's cliché, but being a pastor can be lonely. I think many pastors get in trouble because we can get so lonely. I wish I had done a better job of seeking out true friends. I know if I had made the effort, there would have been a number of pastors in town that I could have befriended. Sometimes I got so busy doing 'stuff' that I didn't have time to do the things that really matter."
An interesting list: all horizontal.

These things are all quite real for pastors. But the problem back of them is our lack of communion with God: it's vertical. If that is not tended to, the vertical will sink us. That's the underlying cause.

That's my need and yours. All of us can and will sink under the weight of the horizontal. Only the vertical can sustain us. This isn't then just a problem for pastors ultimately, but all of us. We need lives devoted to the Word and prayer, and pastors especially need it. Pray this for your pastor: that he would be given to the Word and prayer that he might have the spiritual resources that he needs to be horizontally what he is called to be.

I wonder to what extent pastors regret failing to develop a life outside of ministry. It seems to me that the healthiest pastors are often those who have something else they get involved in that doesn't have anything to do with the church, so that they get a break from thinking about work. Also, I am not always sure that it is wise to restrict friendships to 'other pastors.' I know that tends to be the norm, but I've seen that backfire a lot.
An interesting list: all horizontal.

These things are all quite real for pastors. But the problem back of them is our lack of communion with God: it's vertical. If that is not tended to, the vertical will sink us. That's the underlying cause.

That's my need and yours. All of us can and will sink under the weight of the horizontal. Only the vertical can sustain us. This isn't then just a problem for pastors ultimately, but all of us. We need lives devoted to the Word and prayer, and pastors especially need it. Pray this for your pastor: that he would be given to the Word and prayer that he might have the spiritual resources that he needs to be horizontally what he is called to be.


Pastor Strange that is excellent counsel for all of us, layman and pastor. I've never heard anyone put it the way you have, thank you!
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