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C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher

I can't tell you how much I love both Owen and Hutchins on this topic.
Owen on worship is astoundingly good (who doesn't love Owen?).
Hutchins on Psalmody, is one of the best reads on the subject concerning the Gentiles singing Psalms under the New Testament. Excellent! (Almost a book in and of itself). These are both important works that will change the way you view worship for the better.
The Glory of Evangelical Worship – by John Owen (1616-1683).

John Owen (1616-1683) is described by many as the crown jewel of English writing theologians, and the greatest theologian of the English Puritan movement.

This volume is an important consolidation of John Owen’s most choice sections on glorifying Jesus Christ in Evangelical worship found in his writings. It is the only volume of its kind outside of his extensively written corpus. Worship is the life of the Christian, and must be understood according to the principles God has prescribed for us in his word. Is there any topic that cries out with more significance in our contemporary culture than understanding the foundations of biblical worship?

This book begins with Owen’s exegesis of Ephesians 2:18, “For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” There are five main sections to this work covering: true spiritual worship before the giving of the Law, the nature of Evangelical worship, the beauty of Evangelical worship, the importance of exercising true faith during Evangelical worship, and that Evangelical worship is solely prescribed by God’s divine appointment.

The work is introduced by a chapter written by Dr. McMahon on Owen’s view of exclusive psalmody; a summary complied throughout all his writings.

Also annexed to this volume is the rare puritan work by Edward Hutchins (1696) called, “Scripture Proof for Singing Hymns and Spiritual Songs.” Hutchins was a minister at the end of the 17th century, who gave an astounding demonstration of Scriptural prowess outlining and explaining the prophetic nature of the Psalms, and the New Testament ordinance of exclusive psalm singing. This work has never been published before since Hutchins’ day, and is one of the most impressive and concise works of this kind ever written with such biblical skill and insight; a Scriptural tour de force not to be missed. (His writing style and force reminds me of Michael Harrison's work on Infant Baptism.)

(This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.)

Table of Contents:
Meet John Owen Edited by McMahon
A Brief Overview of John Owen’s Psalmody by McMahon

Worship Before the Law
The Nature of Evangelical Worship
The Beauty of Evangelical Worship
Exercising Faith During Evangelical Worship
Evangelical Worship is Solely by God’s Appointment

Appendix 1: Meet Edward Hutchins by McMahon
Appendix 2: Scripture Proof for Singing Hymns and Spiritual Songs

Get the eBook pack here at Puritan Publications.
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Get the Nook Version here (when it posts).

I see the second work is attributed to E. H. in the 1696 edition. Where is this nailed down as being Hutchins; and is that the same minister who died in 1629?
I see the second work is attributed to E. H. in the 1696 edition. Where is this nailed down as being Hutchins; and is that the same minister who died in 1629?

No, its not Hutchins in 1629. He is a fellow we know almost little to nothing about, but lived later. Through a number of geneological works, and some dealing with works written for and by music studies at that time, he is pieced together. He is first mentioned in some music literary works as "E. Hutchins" and then from there geneologies list him as "Edward".(I trace this all out in my intro of him).

I'd stick with Mather's comment on him, "This author is by face wholly unknown to us. But, we have with much satisfaction and delight perused his ensuing treatise, finding it to be solid and judicious." :amen:
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