Truth and error

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Puritan Board Senior
Hold fast to the truth. As men take no hold of the arm of flesh till they let go the arm of God, so men take no hold of error till they have let go their hold of truth, therefore holdfast to the truth. Truth is thy crown, hold fast thy crown, and let no man take thy crown from thee. Hath not God made truth sweet to thy soul, yea sweeter than honey, or the honeycomb? And wilt thou not go onto heaven, feeding upon truth, that heavenly honeycomb as Samson did of his honeycomb. Ah, souls, have you not found truth sweetening your spirits, and cheering your spirits, and warming your spirits, and raising your spirits, and corroborating your spirits? Have you not found truth a guide to lead you, a staff to uphold you, a cordial to strengthen you, and a plaster to heal you? And will not you hold fast the truth? Hath not truth been you r best friend in your worst days? Hath not truth stood by you when friends have forsaken you? Hath not truth done more for you than all the world can do against you, and will you not hold fast the truth? Is not truth your right eye, without which you cannot see for Christ? And your right hand, without which you cannot do for Christ? And your right foot, without which you cannot walk with Christ? And will you not hold fast truth? Oh! hold fast the truth in your judgements and understandings, in your wills and affections, in your profession and conversations.

Truth is more precious than gold or rubies. Truth is that heavenly glass wherein we may see the lustre and glory of divine wisdom, power, greatness, love and mercifulness. In this glass you may see the face of Christ, the favour of Christ, the riches of Christ, and the heart of Christ, beating and working sweetly towards your souls. Oh! let your souls cleave to truth as Ruth did to Naomi and say, 'I will not leave truth or return from following after truth; but where truthgoes, I will go, and where truth lodgeth, I will lodge; and nothing but death shall part truth and my soul.

Error is a fruitful mother, and hath brought forth such monstrous children as hath set towns, cities and nations on fire. Error is that whorish woman that hath cast down many, wounded many, yea, slain many strong men, many great men and many learned men, and many professing men in former times and in our time, as is too eveident to all that are not much left of God, destitute of truth and blinded by Satan. Oh the graces that error hath weakened and the sweet joys and comforts error hath clouded, if not buried! Oh the hands that error hath weakened, the eyes that error hath blinded, the judgements of men error hath perverted, the minds that error hath darkened, the hearts that error hath hardened, the affections that error hath cooled, the conscience that error hath seared, and the lives of men that error hath polutted! Ah, souls! can you sollemnly consider of this, and not tremble more at error that as hell itself?
(Thomas Brooks, Precious Remedies)
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