Trying to find Bernard of Clairvaux quote

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“Quare castigemus mores et moras nostras. How you punish our ways and move us.”
John Trapp uses this phrase in several forms several times in his commentaries (cf. Eccl. 9:10; Isa. 21:12; Matt. 4:20; Acts. 21:6; 26:7; 1 Cor. 7:29: and seems to attribute it to Bernard in one of them, but I can't find it outside of Trapp.

Acts 21:6: Leaving them on shore: we shall one day meet, and never more be separated. O dieculam illam, &c. Euge, Deo sit laus et gloria, quod iam instet horula illa gratissima, {a} O that day! O that joy! Castigemus mores et moras. (Bernard.) Let us ripen apace, and hasten to that heavenly home, that glorious panegyris and general assembly, Hebrews 12:23. {a} Greserus moribundus. Melch. Adam.

It may be the Bernard is only "O that day! O that joy!"? Bernard is cited frequently in Trapp's commentaries, so that this Latin in all the rest is not so tagged to Bernard may imply it is simply Trapp's saying? Not a lot of Bernard in English online and I could not find the phrase or even same words used together in the Latin that is online, though likely not all of it is online. So it may be it is simply a common place saying but it seems rather specific.

So ... any ideas? As I say, it may not be Bernard, or it may be a rephrased quotation and be far different in the original? The reason for the hunt is I am editing a preface to a work that uses the same phrase, unattributed. Of consequence or not, the preface does cite a saying of Bernard earlier, without attribution.
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