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Puritan Board Doctor
Joined Twitter. Don't know why, exactly. Still trying to figure out the point of the thing. Would probably understand better if I were 14...
What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing? :lol:
What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing?What are you doing? :lol:

Hmmm. A sure sign of too much coffee late at night! :lol:
I signed up for twitter about a month ago. no one I know is signed up for it yet, so I'm not getting much out of it. All my family is facebooking.

To me that is twitter is about, answering the question "What are you doing?" over and over and over. (I was trying to be cute)

I'm following guys like Tom Ascol, Ligonier (not RC himself, but the ministry?) Michael Hyatt (president & CEO of Thomas Nelson, ) and Albert Mohler. Those guys post all kinds of trivial stuff about their lives.

The other day Albert Mohler posted the following message: albertmohler is going on the air to talk about new stars on p*rn use -- 70 percent downloaded 9 to 5. Call me at 877-893-8255. See today's blog article.

a minute later, he posted: albertmohler wants to correct p*rn "stars" to p*rn "stats." Apologies to all who had heart attacks. The iPhone "corrected" my post badly. Sorry.:lol:
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I my self dont know about Twitter but a former Pastor of mine, Twiters all the time and I enjoy reading his messages. (It lets me stalk him from afar daily). I really enjoy his little blurbs regarding him and his family. It reminds me and gives me information to pray for him and his family since he travels a lot. So this way I can pray for specific needs in their life and ministry.

When he was at the SBC Convention he was Twittering and I could follow minute by minute.

I would not Tweeter because I have nothing to say that would intrest a vast amount of people.
I use Facebook much more to keep in touch but I recently joined Twitter to check it out. Still not sure that I will find it helpful. I don't need another thing to twitter away my time.
What is twitter? Like facebook using a blackberry?

Your kidding right? Ok, I'll buy. Twitter, like Facebook allows users to update their status, but only up to 140 characters, but without all the pictures, applications, games and other garbage. You can use cell your phone, instant messaging, or email, to update Twitter. I like to think of it as mini-blogging. Thanks for playing. :) :graduate:
What is twitter? Like facebook using a blackberry?

Your kidding right? Ok, I'll buy. Twitter, like Facebook allows users to update their status, but only up to 140 characters, but without all the pictures, applications, games and other garbage. You can use cell your phone, instant messaging, or email, to update Twitter. I like to think of it as mini-blogging. Thanks for playing. :) :graduate:

No, I am seriously not kidding. The first mention I ever heard about twitter was a few months ago when a PBer (Bill maybe) mentioned posting by twitter or blackberry or I-phone. I thought, "Hmmm....Twitter?" Technology moves fast.

So, if I got a fancy cell phone, I could check my hotmail and look at PB and even post using Twitter? How much does that cost per month?
I signed up for twitter about a month ago. no one I know is signed up for it yet, so I'm not getting much out of it. All my family is facebooking.

To me that is twitter is about, answering the question "What are you doing?" over and over and over. (I was trying to be cute)

I'm following guys like Tom Ascol, Ligonier (not RC himself, but the ministry?) Michael Hyatt (president & CEO of Thomas Nelson, ) and Albert Mohler. Those guys post all kinds of trivial stuff about their lives.

The other day Albert Mohler posted the following message: albertmohler is going on the air to talk about new stars on p*rn use -- 70 percent downloaded 9 to 5. Call me at 877-893-8255. See today's blog article.

a minute later, he posted: albertmohler wants to correct p*rn "stars" to p*rn "stats." Apologies to all who had heart attacks. The iPhone "corrected" my post badly. Sorry.:lol:

I signed up, too-- and, like you, none of my "posse" is on it yet, so I just clicked "Follow" on the "usual suspects"-- like Mohler, Ligonier, etc.

It's funny that you saw that gaffe by Mohler-- I was actually on Twitter just as that happened, and I almost laughed out loud. It was really the first insight I had towards the relevance of Twitter. You get a more personal, REAL-TIME perspective on the life of an individual, so you get to participate-- if only digitally-- in their lives if distance and time separate you. At least, that's what I'm getting out of it so far. Seems like a good tool for your cell phone.

Like bookslover, I joined without quite knowing what the heck it's for-- but being fully "Facebooked", I thought I'd join in for once BEFORE one more of these "social revolution", viral websites fully exploded...
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