Scott Bushey
Puritanboard Commissioner
It has been brought up on various occasions, mostly from guilty parties or disgruntled members, that the members of PB were not aware that the administrators had the capability to view members u2u's and that the u2u's should be private. I am posting this to alleviate any confusion.
The administrators of this board have the capability to access all areas of this site. We do this if the situation warrants it, i.e. spreading heresy, being obnoxious, ad hom assaults. No one on the administrative end are viewing u2u's for the sake of just viewing them (being nosey); Generally speaking, the times we have intervened and have had to investigate have been few and it turned out that that person or persons in question were deliberately doing something against the boards rules and were appropriately delt with. In that, the Spirit had guided us accordingly and of course, to the boards well being.
Just to clarify; There are 4 admins, Scott Bushey, Fred Greco, Matt McMahon and Phillip Way. We are the only people whom have access to u2u's. In fact, we use it to keep ourselves above reproach as well. There have been times where we were involved in questionable exchanges and the data that was in the u2u was used to even correct us, rebuke us etc.
We pray that you will understand that it is our intention to keep the board scriptural, safe and edifying. Unfortunately, satan is a wolf in sheep's clothing, roaming around, trying to devour. In this, we have to be wise as serpent and gentle as dove's.
The administrators of this board have the capability to access all areas of this site. We do this if the situation warrants it, i.e. spreading heresy, being obnoxious, ad hom assaults. No one on the administrative end are viewing u2u's for the sake of just viewing them (being nosey); Generally speaking, the times we have intervened and have had to investigate have been few and it turned out that that person or persons in question were deliberately doing something against the boards rules and were appropriately delt with. In that, the Spirit had guided us accordingly and of course, to the boards well being.
Just to clarify; There are 4 admins, Scott Bushey, Fred Greco, Matt McMahon and Phillip Way. We are the only people whom have access to u2u's. In fact, we use it to keep ourselves above reproach as well. There have been times where we were involved in questionable exchanges and the data that was in the u2u was used to even correct us, rebuke us etc.
We pray that you will understand that it is our intention to keep the board scriptural, safe and edifying. Unfortunately, satan is a wolf in sheep's clothing, roaming around, trying to devour. In this, we have to be wise as serpent and gentle as dove's.