Ultimate Obscurity

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Puritan Board Junior
It is not faith which makes the atonement efficacious for us, rather the atonement has secured the justification and righteousness of sinners, and even the faith by which we apprehend these blessings is a gift of which Christ is the author and purchaser. So while Arminianism does not deny the nature of the atonement as vicarious, there is always the danger that it may do so, and this is one reason why, in more than one period of history, Arminianism has led to a Modernism which denies the substitution and propitiation altogether. Once a blurred and indistinct view of the atonement is accepted in the Church it is more than likely that the next generation will come to the ultimate obscurity of a man like F.W. Robertson of Brighton, of whom it was said, "œRobertson believed that Christ did something or other, which somehow or other, had some connection or other with salvation" -- Iain Murray from "œThe Forgotten Spurgeon"

[Edited on 3-9-2005 by lwadkins]
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