Unleashing Your Inner Fundie

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Puritan Board Doctor
"If we added up all the dire predictions that the fundamentalists have made down through the years, what about them didn’t happen? Fundamentalists are the cassandras of American cultural life. Back when everything seemed so stable in its Eisenhowerishness, the fundamentalist would say that everything was soon to be headed for hell in a handbasket. Ho, ho, ho was the cogent reply. Now here we are bouncing along in the handbasket, with some of the more gifted of our number getting grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities to puke over the side of the handbasket as we bounce along. “This small performance is one I like to call ‘Seasickness Against the Absolute.’ Thank you, thank you!” And a fundamentalist in the corner says, “You know, I don’t see how you can call that art.” Everybody, all together now, ho, ho, ho!" - Douglas Wilson

Unleashing Your Inner Fundamentalist | Blog & Mablog
He's exactly right. When it comes to declension in the church and the culture the Fundamentalists were spot on. His point at the end about tattoos is very important, namely that as our culture has degraded the popularity of tattoos has increased. They were extremely rare even when I was growing up, for all intents and purposes non-existent. Now they are ubiquitous. A clear manifestation of the spiritual disease which has infected our cultures.
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