Was Calvin a theonomist (or proto)?

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Puritan Board Graduate
From another thread:

Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
Originally posted by Finn McCool
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot

Besides which, I am sure you wouldn't want to really discourage someone from reading Calvin who, after all, was an anti-theonomist!

Proto-Theonomist, proto.;)

John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Chap. 20 (on theonomy):

Sec. 14...This I would rather have passed in silence, were I not aware that many dangerous errors are here committed. For there are some who deny that any commonwealth is rightly framed which neglects the law of Moses, and is ruled by the common law of nations. How perilous and seditious these views are, let others see: for me it is enough to demonstrate hat they are stupid and false.

Sec. 15...And as that exercise in ceremonies properly pertained to the doctrine of piety, inasmuch as it kept the Jewish Church in the worship and religion of God, yet was still distinguishable from piety itself, so the judicial form, though it looked only to the best method of preserving that charity which is enjoined by the eternal law of God, was still something distinct from the precept of love itself. Therefore, as ceremonies might be abrogated without at all interfering with piety, so also, when these judicial arrangements are removed, the duties and precepts of charity can still remain perpetual.

The allegation, that insult is offered to the law of God enacted by Moses, where it is abrogated and other new laws are preferred to it, is most absurd. Others are not preferred when they are more approved, not absolutely, but from regard to time and place, and the condition of the people, or when those things are abrogated which were never enacted for us. The Lord did not deliver it by the hand of Moses to be promulgated in all countries, and to be everywhere enforced; but having taken the Jewish nation under his special care, patronage, and guardianship, he was pleased to be specially its legislator, and as became a wise legislator, he had special regard to it in enacting laws.

I thought this would be a good thread to follow out using Calvin's Institutes, his commentaries, and his sermons. It should be profitable for all.
I suggest that before the discussion proceeds too far that we all make an effort to define "theonomist," "proto-theonomist," and "anti-theonomist."

That is a good point. Question for anyone: is it necessary to hold to a single kingdom view vs. a two kingdom view to be considered a Theonomist?
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