Puritan Board Sophomore
My good friend, who is a Hyper Dispensationalist, shared this with me today.
He sent this because I told him “I wouldn’t feel safe believing something that went from Apostle Paul to Darby, with no others in between. We know God loves fellowship, unity, and communion. So that would be strange if the last dispensational before Darby was Apostle Paul.”
he immediately said “that doesn’t bother me at all.”
but apparently it did, because 2 days later he sends me this text.
Can y’all help me with a response?
I don’t know church history all that well to know nitty gritty details and nuances to respond to this.
“Some of the earliest church fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Methodius, and Victorinus of Petau all adhered to different dispensations or God’s different dealings with man throughout different ages.
More specifically, they all believed in a literal earthly millennial kingdom where Christ would rule and reign over Israel for 1,000 years, and they all said the church (the body of Christ) was not the same as Israel.
Darby just made an in-depth systematic structure to Dispensationalism.
It actually wasn’t until Origen and Augustine that non-literal and allegorical interpretations began which is what is the basis for covenant theology.
Hippolytus and Eubeus also were in the first and second century and taught dispensationally.
Hippolytus even has writings about a future tribulation that would be 7 years in the future, and coincides with the 70th week of Daniel that has yet to be fulfilled.
And Papias who was a direct disciple of John the Apostle. “
He sent this because I told him “I wouldn’t feel safe believing something that went from Apostle Paul to Darby, with no others in between. We know God loves fellowship, unity, and communion. So that would be strange if the last dispensational before Darby was Apostle Paul.”
he immediately said “that doesn’t bother me at all.”
but apparently it did, because 2 days later he sends me this text.
Can y’all help me with a response?
I don’t know church history all that well to know nitty gritty details and nuances to respond to this.
“Some of the earliest church fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Methodius, and Victorinus of Petau all adhered to different dispensations or God’s different dealings with man throughout different ages.
More specifically, they all believed in a literal earthly millennial kingdom where Christ would rule and reign over Israel for 1,000 years, and they all said the church (the body of Christ) was not the same as Israel.
Darby just made an in-depth systematic structure to Dispensationalism.
It actually wasn’t until Origen and Augustine that non-literal and allegorical interpretations began which is what is the basis for covenant theology.
Hippolytus and Eubeus also were in the first and second century and taught dispensationally.
Hippolytus even has writings about a future tribulation that would be 7 years in the future, and coincides with the 70th week of Daniel that has yet to be fulfilled.
And Papias who was a direct disciple of John the Apostle. “