I agree. I think if the Standards as whole are taken into consideration it requires allegience to the TR.
I was once labled 'naive' on this board for holding this view and was told that I didn't understand the Reformed view of the authority of Scripture. I read Ridderbos' "Redemptive History and the NT Scriptures" but am still unclear as to where the naivete of my position lies.
Perhaps Tim, or someone, can help me see the error of my ways.
Why Tim? Tim is a small time contractor from Oceano California with a degree in agriculture.
Widen your perspective. The fact that several of our professional theologians aren't responding to these last KJV threads doesn't mean they don't have opinions. Fred Greco has held posts of very high responsibility in the PCA and I noted yesterday that he purposely noted that several verses he quoted to support his position came from the ESV.
Why don't you pick ten of the full time Elders who you profit from the most, and who are members of churches that have the WCF in their standards. Click on their profiles, then on the place that allows you to see all the posts that they've made. Scroll through them and see how many only quote from the KJV when making points. Then ask yourself if those people have never considered whether they are in violation of their ordination vows by not taking an exception to WCF 1.8.
As for me, my take is that it is clearly a matter of faith, and not reason to believe that the TR somehow is God's exact word over and above any other compliation of texts.
All reasonable people who have looked into the matter know that Christ quoted both from the Hebrew and Septuagint. That settles the matter. Christ quoted from two different compliation of texts that differ much more than the TR does from the W&C compilation.
The KJV onlies know that if Christ quoted from both, they don't have a leg to stand on, and invent a silly mythology that states the Septuagint never existed. And you can't argue with them anymore than you can argue with 9/11 truthers or Obama wasn't born in the USers. They start from a position of elevating all data to the same level of quality, so they can come to any conclusion that they want.