Westminster Standards Collection MP3

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Puritan Board Graduate
Just want to take a moment and heap a few praises Matt´s a.k.a. Webmaster´s way.

I received around a week ago his Mp3 collection on the Westminster Standards. At this point I´ve probably listened through the whole thing and some of the tracks more than once. It has made my hour round trip daily commute even more enjoyable. (Heck, it gives me a break from listening to Bahnsen lectures everyday ;) )

I can´t say enough how invaluable this is. Getting to listen and understand the confession and catechisms are important but having the Solemn League and Covenant, Directory of Publick Worship, National Covenant, and the Sum of Saving Knowledge accessible has been eye opening and heart enlivening.

All of this for 25 bucks. I plan on posting later about digital devotions using these mp3's, Valley of Vision MP3, ESV MP3, and some Westminster Shorter Catechism songs.

{disclaimer} - this is not a paid advertisement (unless Matt wants to make it one!)

Let's all encourage him to do the same with the 3FU - come on Matt, in your spare time? ;)
Though it took several evenings, I imported Max McLean's MP3 ESV Bible into iTunes converting to 32KHz AAC format. The result is only 1.1 G so it fits comfortably on my 4 G iPod mini. In addition, it also has Valley of Vision , Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, various sermons (including DMLJ's series from the 1969 PTI), and even 5 BBC series of Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries!

And there is still 2 G of free space to fill!

Little does my Bellvue Baptist deacon co-worker suspect what I am "jiving to" with my head phones (ESV Bible, finished Esther today).

[Edited on 8-24-2005 by jfschultz]
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